2022-05-27 22:44:17
摘 要
关键词:车辆租赁 管理 系统 开发
Car rental management system based on J2EE
China's information industry in the stage of rapid development, the manual mode of management and information management in the vehicle leasing deal with a lot of things need daily information industry is no longer suitable for use IT technology to enhance management capability is the current trend. For now, the working efficiency of the information industry will be needed to enhance the working environment should continue to be improved. Therefore, there is a vehicle management system inevitable event.
For vehicle information management process in the past, it is generally very complex. Vehicle Management System to manage the car rental information center, the whole process takes a lot of track procedures, and management of the entire process needs to be entered manually, so efficiency is not optimistic. Because of the complexity associated information, management very different ways, often repeated message appears, therefore, management rental of the past will definitely be replaced.
Login module system mainly consists of management, vehicle information module, the car rental information module, the rent information module, car rental information module and system user module, these modules can realize the corresponding content of add and delete, concise and clear.
Key words: Rental management system development
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 背景 1
1.2 主要研究的目的及内容 2
1.3 研究方法及设计思路 2
1.3.1 研究方法 2
1.3.2 设计思路 2
第二章 相关技术介绍 4
2.1 J2EE技术简介 4
2.2 Mysql数据库 6
2.3 JDBC 8
2.4 B/S模式分析 9
第三章 需求分析 1
3.1 理论基础 11
3.2 硬件准备 11
3.3 系统体系结构 12
3.4 主要功能流程图 14
第四章 数据库设计 15
4.1数据库设计定义 15
4.2 E-R图 15
4.3数据表设计 17
4.3.1数据表总览 17
4.3.2数据表详细说明 17
第五章 详细设计与实现 20
5.1 概要设计 20
5.2 系统结构设计 20
5.3 详细设计 21
5.3.1 管理员登录模块 21
5.3.2 车辆信息管理模块 23
5.3.3 租车人信息管理模块 26
5.3.4 租金信息管理模块 27
5.3.5 租车信息管理模块 28
5.3.6 系统用户管理模块 28
5.3.7 登陆账号密码修改模块 29
第六章 系统调试与测试 30
6.1 程序调试 30
6.2 程序的测试 30
6.2.1 测试的重要性及目的 30
6.2.2 测试的步骤 32
6.2.3 测试的主要内容 32
结束语 34
参考文献 36
致谢 39
第一章 绪论
1.1 背景