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 2022-05-21 22:25:05  


摘 要




开发本应用的操作平台为Windows7,用到了SQLite数据库,这是一款轻型的数据库。整个过程使用ADT-Bundle for Windows作为开发工具来完成,这是一种集成式开发环境,其中已经包含了我们常用的Eclipse。

关键词:Android平台 电子邮件 SQLite

Developemt of Email client based on Android


Living in this highly informationalized and intelligentized time, almost everybody has at least one smart devices, and as the number of Android applications become more abundant, the increasing number of applications are quietly changing people's habits. Today, the mobile terminal office has become more and more popular. In the city whose pace of life keep speeding up, most of the office workers are very busy. Taking the office to every corner at any time is not only one of the unique advantages of smart mobile devices, but also an important way to enhance production efficiency, they play an important role both in personal development and overall progress of the country .

E-mail requires a fast, simple editing feature, which is ideal for use in mobile terminals, and it has been widely used by people around the world after years of development, although a wide range of communications-type applications keep spring up in today’s era, but e-mail is still difficult to be replaced. So I think developing an e-mail application is not just a project what users need, but also a good helper for users to do a good job, have a better prospects for development .

This application is based on the Android platform, and it achieves functions which can satisfy the demand of daily use of users, like password memorizing, e-mail login, e-mail sending and checking, establishment of address list. So that it makes users can log on anywhere and handle all types of issues expediently and efficiently, and also ensures timeliness of message handling.

The operating platform of development of this application is Windows7. A lightweight database called SQLite is what i use to save data. ADT-Bundle for Windows is the main developing tool, which is a IDE already contains Eclipse and is provided by the Google Android officially .

Keywords: Android email SQLite


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引言 1

1.1 课题背景 1

1.2课题内容及意义 1

1.3 本文的章节设计 2

第二章 相关理论 3

2.1 Android介绍 3

2.2 Java语言介绍 5

2.3 SQLite数据库介绍 6

第三章 基于Android的电子邮件应用的详细设计 7

3.1需求分析 7

3.1.1 业务需求 7

3.1.2 用户需求 8

3.2结构设计 8

3.2.1整体结构图 8

3.2.2各模块介绍 9

3.3系统数据库设计 9

第四章 基于Android的电子邮件客户端的实现与测试 13

4.1系统开发环境 13

4.2系统的实现 14

4.2.1登录界面 14

4.2.2主界面 17

4.2.3邮件编辑界面 19

4.2.4联系人列表界面 21

4.2.5草稿箱界面 23

4.2.6邮件编辑时添加收件人界面 24

4.2.7全部邮件页面 26

4.2.8未读邮件页面 27

4.2.9已读邮件页面 28

4.3系统功能测试 29

4.3.1测试方案及目的 29

4.3.2测试用例 29

第五章 总结与展望 33

参考文献 34

致谢 36

第一章 引言

1.1 课题背景


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