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 2022-04-10 22:23:33  


摘 要



本文首先介绍了该系统的课题背景及研究意义,同时简单讲述了该系统的实现目标。其次介绍了本系统的开发环境以及采用的开发技术,该系统主要以SqlServer作为数据库,MyEcplise 作为开发工具,使用JDBC进行数据的存储与访问和JSP技术进行开发。然后从可行性分析、需求分析、设计模式和功能模块设计对系统进行了总体的分析与设计,并从概念结构设计和逻辑结构设计两方面讲述了如何进行数据库的设计。最后对系统的主要界面及代码的实现进行了详细说明。

关键词:汽车租赁 管理系统 Java SqlServer

Car rental management system based on Java


Car rental is the emerging industry in recent years, with the rapid development of network era, a large number of car rental companies have their own car rental website, in order to provide online car rental as the core business, to meet the society to the requirement that car on the network. With the development of automobile industry, car rental industry has gradually come on the scale, standardized management of the operation of the road, within the company, has clearly divided into several departments, departments carry out their duties, cooperate closely, to carry out day-to-day business.

Is committed to development of the system for the management of major provides a convenient operation platform, provides a standardized treatment of rental orders, vehicle management, personnel management, rent setting and the statistical data of several aspects, to simplify the procedures of rental records, improve turnaround time for renting.

This paper firstly introduces the background and significance of the system, and briefly describes the system to achieve the goal. Secondly, introduces the development environment of the system and the development of technology, the system mainly to sqlserver as database myecplise as a development tool, using JDBC data storage and access and JSP technology development. Then from the feasibility analysis, requirements analysis, design pattern and the design of function modules of system of analysis and design of the overall, and from the conceptual structure and logical structure design two aspects tells the story of how the database design. At last, the main interface of the system and the realization of the code are described in detail.

Key words: car rental ;management system; SqlServer; Java

目 录

摘要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1课题背景 1

1.2系统目标 2

1.3 章节安排 2

第二章 系统开发环境介绍 3

2.1 JSP 3

2.2 前端开发技术 3

2.3 MyEclipse2014 4

2.4 Tomcat7.0 5

2.5 SqlServer 5

2.6 软硬件需求 5

第三章 需求分析 6

3.1需求调研 6

3.2可行性分析 6

3.3系统用户用例图 6

3.4功能模块需求分析 7

3.5设计的基本思想 8

第四章 系统分析与设计 9

4.1数据库的分析与设计 9

4.1.1数据库的概念结构设计 9

4.1.2数据库的逻辑结构设计 11

4.2中文乱码问题处理 13

第五章 系统功能实现 16

5.1系统登陆页面实现 16

5.2系统首页设计 18

5.3车辆管理模块 18

5.3.1车辆信息录入 18

5.3.2车辆信息管理 20

5.4客户管理 23

5.4.1租车信息添加 23

5.4.2还车管理 24

5.5客户管理模块 28

5.6修改密码 31

5.7租车信息查询 32

5.8安全退出系统 33

第六章 总结与展望 34

参考文献 35

致 谢 36

第一章 绪论






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