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 2022-03-25 19:28:26  


摘 要





The design and realization of the Mobile hospital system


With the rapid development of information technology, the performance of smart phones continue to improve, prices continue to decline, to meet people's information interaction, convenient life and other aspects to highlight its great advantage. At present in our country, the popularity of smart phones has been as high as 73% (2015 Nelson data). WeChat, the largest mobile Internet portal, in 2015 the amount of users has more than 700 million. Most of the people through the mobile terminal receives information habits have formed, on average, men spend time on mobile devices has exceeded the traditional computer, this to the hospital mobile informatization construction of the new tasks and challenges, but also bring the new opportunity.

The mobile hospital system is according to the practical needs of hospital development, including hospital office, medical management, patient management, promotion management, query statistics function module, using the most popular mobile terminal of the Android system, hospital medical staff quantity body custom make, on the hospital information construction has great role in promoting.

The palm hospital system consists of two modules were developed, a patient user module, another for doctors and patients, and the relationship between them, depend on each other, with the use of, patients from the viewing of Hospital of specialized subject information can find the corresponding sections of the doctor, see doctors and attending direction and scheduling, have a choice, to the appointment, doctors can see a list of patients, patients can advance check records of patient visits, inspection and the inspection report, a doctor, for patients provided for more accurate, high-quality medical services. Patients and doctors can communicate with doctors and patients through the hospital, voice, picture and video communication, convenient and quick, greatly improve the efficiency of treatment.

Key Words:mobile informationization; android; hospital

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 课题背景 1

1.2 移动医疗APP在国内的发展 1

1.3 掌上医院APP医生版的现实意义 2

1.4课题主要研究内容 2

1.5 论文组织结构 3

第二章 相关技术和开发环境介绍 4

2.1 Android基于HTTP的网络编程 4

2.2 JSP:(Java Server Pages) 4

2.3 Hibernate 4

2.4 Android的 MVC框架  5

2.5 HTML5(超文本标签语言第五版) 5

2.6 开发环境及工具 5

2.6.1 Tomcat服务器 5

2.6.2 Android Studio 开发工具 6

2.6.3 MySQL数据库 6

2.6.4 Notepad 轻量文本编辑器 6

第三章 系统需求分析 8

3.1掌上医院的可行性分析 8

3.2需求分析 9

3.2.1 需求描述 9

3.2.2 用例图 10

3.2.3 网络拓扑图 10

3.3 功能需求实现的安全性保障 11

第四章 数据库详细设计 13

4.1 数据模型 13

4.1.1 E-R设计 13

4.1.2实体类设计 14

4.2 数据库设计 17

4.3平台选择 23

第五章 系统详细设计 24

5.1 系统模块划分 24

5.2患者模块 25

5.2.1 就诊预约 25

5.2.2 检验检查报告 25

5.2.3 医患交流 26

5.3医生模块 27

5.3.1 首页 27

5.3.2 院内通讯录 27

5.3.3 患者清单 28

5.3.4 电子公告 30

5.3.5 就诊预约排班查询 30

5.3.6 移动薪资 31

5.3.7 医患交流 32

5.4 本章小结 33

第六章 系统总结 34

6.1 总结 34

6.2 展望 34

参考文献 35

致谢 36

第一章 绪论

1.1 课题背景


1.2 移动医疗APP在国内的发展




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