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 2022-03-18 21:16:15  


摘 要


社交网络从用户关系层面来分可以分为强关系和弱关系,从内容层面来分可以分为强内容网络和弱内容网络,从人的熟悉程度来看可以分为陌生人和熟人网络。随着互联网的发展,接入网络的人越来越多,人们对于互联网社交的需求越来越大,也出现了具有代表性的互联网产品。从一开始以同学关系建立起来的QQ到后来的人人网,再有微信,这些强关系的网络应用使熟人之间沟通的成本降低很多,也使人们改变了对社交的看法。随着熟人网络的不断成熟,人们对于扩展自己交际圈的需求不断加大,开始出现了微博,陌陌,知乎一类的以名人,陌生人,以及专业领域专家为纽带的社交应用。这些应用的出现更进一步拉近了人与人的距离,使不同层级之间的人有了沟通的渠道,同时也催生了一批网络红人。现在网络慢慢渗透到人们生活的方方面面,移动医疗的发展,办公信息化的发展,以及城市交通信息化的发展给人们带来了无限的相像,催生出了一批创业者。互联网 时代的到来,更是给互联网注入了新的活力。


关键词:标签系统 社交 公众平台 PHP MVC

Label System:

Design and implementation of public social platform


With the development of Internet, the application software, one after another, the rich social software makes people communicate more and more convenient. However, a lot of software tends to homogenization. The information clutter, waste the time of a large number of people, people for such software is more and more tired. Based on this kind of demand we intend to develop public platform base on the label, so users do not need to in order to find out they are in trouble. The precise push mechanism can make the activity provide convenient to push the content to the user's hand, so that the activities of the group can be easily carried out. Ordinary users can easily access to the topic of their interest, so as to participate in activities, enrich students' extracurricular life.

Social network from the user level to can be divided for strong ties and weak ties and points from the aspects of the content can be divided into strong network and weak network content, from the point of view of the degree of familiarity with the people can be divided into strangers and acquaintances network. With the development of the Internet, more and more people access to the Internet, people's demand for the Internet is becoming more and more big, also appeared a representative of the Internet products. From the beginning to build up the relationship between the QQ to the subsequent network of people, and then WeChat, the network applications of these strong relationships between the communication between the cost of a lot of acquaintances, but also to make people to change the view of social. With the rapid development of the network of acquaintances, people for the expansion of their own circle of communication demand continues to increase, began the emergence of microblogging, Mo Mo, knowing almost a celebrity, strangers, and professional experts in the field of link of social applications. The emergence of these applications further closer to the distance between people, make different levels between the channels of communication, at the same time also spawned a number of network Reds. Now network gradually penetrate into people's lives, the development of mobile medical, development of the office of information and traffic information to the people brought infinite alike, spawned a number of entrepreneurs. Internet plus the arrival of the era, it is to inject new vitality to the internet.

After taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of the current social system, the team designed the information flow system, which is the core of the tag, which fully takes into account the different needs of different groups of users. This system mainly includes the release of personal information, the release and management of the activities of the organization, and the management of the tag system. Taking into account the needs of different clients, we use js, HTML as the front-end technology, combined with Cordova package, to achieve full platform coverage. At the same time taking into account the quality of the transmission, in combination with the Cordova plug-in mechanism, while achieving WeChat and QQ of the original share. In order to achieve the use of native application experience, the front end of the main use of Angularjs framework to achieve MVC model, so that the data and the front end of the binding is more convenient, so that the separation of the data and the performance of the layer. Taking into account the back-end development of agility, the system uses php as the development language, and use the framework of the country's leading Thinkphp.

Key words: Tag System. Social Public Platform. MVC. PHP.

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引言 1

1.1项目背景 1

1.1.1 标签网络社交平台概述 1

1.1.2 标签系统的应用 1

1.2 系统开发的意义 2

1.2.1 开发目的 2

1.2.2 校园公众平台中标签系统的用途 2

1.3 论文的结构安排 2

1.4 本章小结 2

第二章 基于标签系统的校园公众平台建设的相关技术的介绍 4

2.1 PHP介绍 4

2.1.1 PHP简介 4

2.1.2 PHP基本特点 4

2.2 SublimeText介绍 4

2.2.1 SublimeText概述 4

2.3 Thinkphp 介绍 4

2.4 Angularjs介绍 5

2.5 Html5介绍 6

2.6本章小结 6

第三章 系统分析 7

3.1可行性分析 7

3.2需求分析 8

3.3 系统开发平台 8

3.4系统概述 9

3.5 本章小结 9

第四章 总体设计 10

4.3数据库设计 11

4.3.1数据库需求分析 11

4.3.2数据库逻辑设计 12

第五章 系统详细设计与实现 15

5.1 功能模块设计 15

5.2本章小结 27

第六章 总结与展望 28

参考文献 30

致谢 31


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