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 2022-03-17 20:37:46  


摘 要





The first people's Hospital of Yancheng WeChat public building


With the rapid development of information science and technology, the smart phone's performance continued to improve, costs continue to decline in terms of transmission to meet the people's information and convenient life, interaction and communication and other highlights its great advantage. Most people receive information through the mobile terminal has been to develop the habit, people spend time on smart mobile devices in the average time has exceeded the PC, which gives the hospital information construction move raised new tasks and challenges.

Yancheng First People's Hospital of the micro-channel public number is based on current practical needs of the hospital's development, including hospital advocacy, intelligent guiding patients, patient registration, medical records, health records and other functional modules, using the most popular micro-channel platform for hospital medical staff and tailored to the patient, the hospital information construction has a great role in promoting.

Pocket whole hospital system is divided into two user modules developed a user module for the patient, another patient for doctors, linkages between the two, interdependent with the use of the patient from the hospital to view the specialist information can be found in the corresponding sections doctor to see doctors and attending orientation and scheduling cases, selective and purposeful conduct an appointment, the doctor can view a list of their own patients to seek treatment for the patient can view the patient's medical records in advance, testing inspection report, doctor etc., to provide patients with a more accurate, high-quality medical services. Can be carried out between the patient and the doctor-patient communication capabilities through handheld hospitals text, voice, image, and video communications, convenient, greatly enhancing the efficiency of treatment.

Key Words:mobile informationization; Micro-channel platform; hospital

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 课题背景 1

1.2 掌上医院的发展 1

1.2.1 医疗信息的国际化发展 1

1.2.2 中国医疗信息化的发展 1

1.2.3 移动医疗微信平台在国内的发展 2

1.3 掌上医院微信平台的现实意义 2

1.3.1 掌上医院微信平台对医院的现实意义 2

1.3.2 掌上医院微信平台对医院患者的现实意义 3

1.4课题主要研究内容 3

1.5 论文组织结构 4

第二章 相关技术和开发环境介绍 5

2.1 微信平台的二次开发 5

2.2 JSP:(Java Server Pages)跨平台的动态网页技术 5

2.3 Hibernate: 开源对象关系的映射框架 5

2.4 HTML5(超文本标签语言第五版) 6

2.5 开发环境及工具 6

2.5.1 Tomcat服务器 6

2.5.2 MySQL数据库 6

2.5.3 Notepad 轻量文本编辑器 6

第三章 系统需求分析 8

3.1掌上医院的可行性分析 8

3.2需求分析 9

3.2.1 需求描述 9

3.2.2 用例图 11

3.2.3 网络拓扑图 12

3.3 功能需求实现的安全性保障 12

第四章 数据库详细设计 14

4.1 数据模型 14

4.1.1 E-R设计 14

4.1.2数据类型 14

4.2 数据库设计 16

4.2.1病员档案表(table_userfile) 16

4.2.2科室医生表(table_doctor_department) 17

4.2.3医师排班表(table_doctor_schedule) 17

4.2.4患者预约表(table_patient_reservation) 18

4.2.5门诊就诊记录表(table_clinic) 18

4.2.6检验查询表(包括主表和明细表) 19

4.2.7病历查询表(table_case) 19

4.3平台选择 20

第五章 系统详细设计 21

5.1 系统模块划分 21

5.2医院模块 21

5.2.1 医院微网 21

5.2.2 科室介绍 22

5.2.3 症状自查(智能分诊) 22

5.2.4 专家预约 23

5.2.4 地图导航 23

5.3 就诊模块 23

5.3.1今日出诊 24

5.3.2 院内导诊 24

5.3.3 我的就诊 24

5.3.4 就诊卡 25

5.4我的档案模块 25

5.4.1个人档案 25

5.4.2我的预约 26

5.4.3健康档案 26

5.4.4人才招聘 27

5.5 本章小结 27

第六章 总结与展望 28

6.1 总结 28

6.2 展望 28

参 考 文 献 29

致 谢 30

第一章 绪论

1.1 课题背景



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