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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 计算机类 > 计算机科学与技术 > 正文


 2022-02-16 20:41:38  


摘 要



本超市信息管理系统是利用java进行开发设计的java web项目。web应用服务器使用了tomcat7.0。数据库是基于mysql设计的,使用sqlyog进行操作。超市管理人员可以通过该系统方便、快速、有效的管理超市信息。

关键字:超市信息、信息管理、mysql、java web、tomcat


Design of Supermarket Information Management System


Information management system is based on modern computer science, information science, management science and system science based on the establishment of a human, computer and other information collection, transmission, storage, processing, maintenance and use of social technology system. Design business, management, organization and other aspects. The development of the Internet, the emergence of economic globalization and the information economy make the management information system play an increasingly important role in the modern social and economic life, especially in the enterprise management decision-making.

       This is the theme of the supermarket information management system, mainly for the supermarket commodity information, employee information and supplier information management, as well as the administrator's rights management. Commodity module to achieve the purchase function, shelves function, the sale function, to achieve the purchase - inventory - shelves - the sale of data cycle linkage. Staff information module to achieve the staff information query, modify and add or delete. The supplier module implements the query, modification and addition and deletion of the supplier information. The main interface has a logout function. The whole system from the operation is simple, flexible, practical purpose requirements to complete the whole process of student information management system.

      The supermarket information management system is the use of java development and design of the java web project. The web application server uses tomcat7.0. The database is based on mysql design, the use of sqlyog operation. Supermarket managers can be through the system convenient, fast and effective management of supermarket information.

Keywords: supermarket information, information management, mysql, java web, tomcat


1.绪论 4

2.系统技术以及运行环境 5

2.1本系统的技术概况 5

2.2系统的运行环境 7

3.系统分析与设计 9

3.1需求分析 9

3.1.1问题定义 9

3.1.2系统的主要功能 9

3.1.3注意事项 10

3.2系统总体设计与详细设计 11

3.2.1系统E-R图 11

3.2.2项目规划 15

3.2.3系统流程图 16

3.2.4数据库需求分析与逻辑设计 20

4.系统实现 21

4.1数据库 21

4.2用户登录 23

4.3管理系统主界面 23

4.4商品模块 24

4.4.1在架商品模块 24

4.4.2库存管理模块 28

4.4.3进货管理模块 30

4.5员工模块 32

4.6供应商模块 33

4.7管理员模块 34

4.8关于系统 34

5.系统测试与运行 35

结论 37

致谢 38

参考文献 39

附录 40





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