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 2022-01-29 20:15:16  


摘 要



  1. 提出了基于RGB和HSV两种色度空间描述红绿灯的方法以及相应的红绿灯预挑选技术。通过大量的数据训练获得了红绿灯两种色度空间的分布特性。通过其分布特性选取合适的阈值以确定疑似目标区域。
  2. 根据交通灯的几何、位置及与其它景物的关系,筛选出感兴趣区域(Region of Interest, ROI)中的红绿灯。利用红绿灯的融合特征进行删除杂质,进一步净化疑似红绿灯区域,完成目标的提取。
  3. 对实际场景中的道路交通标志进行检测。根据交通标志的颜色和形状特征,提出一种基于特征结合支持向量机分类器的交通标志的检测与识别方法。




On-board video processing and analysis - traffic signal and sign recognition


With the rapid economic development, people's living standards gradually increased, cars are becoming more and more popular. However, the car brings convenience to people. But at the same time, it also makes the road traffic carrying pressure growing. In order to alleviate the traffic pressure and reduce the huge losses caused by traffic accidents, the development of intelligent driving assistance system which can extract the key traffic information in real time and make timely warning becomes the research focus.

In this paper, the automatic detection of traffic lights and traffic signs is taken as the research objective, based on machine vision theory and image processing technology to drive in a real scenario for image processing. The main work are as follows:

(1) The selection method of traffic lights are proposed based on RGB and HSV. Obtaining the threshold of two color spaces through the experimental analysis. If the color stays within the threshold range, then the image segmentation is then used to extract the suspected target area.

(2) According to the geometry, position, and relation of the traffic light, the traffic lights in the Region of Interest (ROI) are selected. In suspected target, the use of the geometry of a red light, color, location features we don't need to delete the target area of impurities, retain the red light area, complete intelligent extraction of red light information.

(3) Detection of road traffic signs in actual scenes. According to the color and shape features of traffic signs, a method of detecting and recognizing traffic signs based on Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier is proposed.

(4) The overall implementation and technical route of the automatic detection of traffic signals will be designed.

In this paper, We use image processing technology to complete a simple detection system of traffic lights and traffic signs system, and It also lays a foundation for further research on intelligent extraction of traffic information.

Keywords: Traffic Signal Intelligent Extraction, Image Segmentation, Traffic Sign Recognition, Machine Vision


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1智能驾驶系统(ITS)的研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的和意义 1

1.3 国内外研究现状 2

1.4 论文的主要工作及结构安排 3

第二章 交通信号灯和标志识别的基础理论 5

2.1 数字图像的基础知识 5

2.1.1 数字图像处理的目的及常用方法 5

2.2 几种常见的红绿灯检测色度空间的模型 6

2.2.1 RGB模型 6

2.2.2 HSV模型 7

2.2.3 YUV模型 8

2.3 几种常见的交通标志检测与识别方法 8

2.3.1 基于颜色特征的检测方法 8

2.3.2 基于形状特征的检测方法 9

2.3.3 交通标志识别常用的分类方法 10

2.4 交通信号灯与交通标志的先验知识 11

2.5交通信号灯和标志识别系统的开发环境 11

2.5.1 Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 12

2.5.2 OPENCV的应用以及与VS的环境搭建 13

2.5.3 Qt介绍 15

2.6本章小结 16

第三章 车载视频红绿灯检测识别与预处理的研究 17

3.1 红绿灯信息检测的流程框图 17

3.2图像预处理 18

3.2.1视频切割 18

3.2.2 目标区域的初筛选 18

3.2.3 图像二值化 18

3.3 基于色度空间的红绿灯图像分割 19

3.4 基于形状的红绿灯的判别 20

3.4.1 疑似目标区域标签化 20

3.5 基于边缘特征的判别 21

3.5.1 红绿灯图像的灰度化 21

3.5.2 基于轮廓检测的红绿灯目标区域筛选 22

3.6 目标区域的绘制 22

3.7 本章小结 23

第四章 交通标志检测识别技术研究及系统实现 24

4.1交通标志检测识别系统的流程框图 24

4.2 基于色度空间的交通标志分割 24

4.3 基于形状的交通标志的判别 25

4.3.1 基于形状(圆形)的ROI提取 25

4.3.2 基于轮廓检测和圆度算法的ROI筛选 25

4.4 绘制矩形框 26

4.5交通信号灯和标志检测系统的实现 27

4.5.1 系统界面设计 27

4.6 本章小结 28

第五章 总结与展望 29

5.1 工作总结 29

5.2 未来工作展望 29

参考文献 30

致谢 33

第一章 绪论




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