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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 计算机类 > 计算机科学与技术 > 正文


 2022-01-27 15:57:42  


摘 要




关键词:轨迹数据 机器学习 随机森林 性能分析

Feature Extraction of Position Data based on Machine Learning


The rapid development of wireless communication networks and Global Positioning System (GPS) technologies enable the collection and transmission of massive GPS data. Persistent storage of massive data forms spatio-temporal trajectory data, which describe in detail the spatio-temporal dynamics of individuals or groups, and contain the behavioral information of active objects. It is of great importance for emerging applications such as traffic navigation, urban planning, and vehicle monitoring. By processing and analyzing the trajectory data, the value of the trajectory data can be effectively extracted.

The objective of this thesis is to use the machine learning methodology to classify the existing trajectory data by the travel mode to extract motion feature. The trajectory data set used in this work was collected in (Microsoft Research Asia) Geolife project by 182 users in a period of over three years. The specific research work is as follows:

This work begins with extensive understanding of existing processing technology for trajectory data and the principles, performance, and related evaluation indicators of classical machine learning classification algorithms. Secondly, four kinds of classification algorithms including random forest, logistic regression, SVM and kNN are selected to train the trajectory data. The trajectory feature is predicted by the obtained model, and compared with the actual trajectory features to compare the classification effects of the five classification algorithms. It is shown that the random forest algorithm has the best classification effect for the data set used. Finally, the kNN algorithm is improved to achieve the improvement of the classification performance, and the existing random forest algorithm is adjusted to achieve more accurate classification results.

Keywords: trajectory data; machine learning; random forest; performance analysis


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1课题背景及意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.3课题研究内容 3

1.4论文结构 4

第二章 相关工作 5

2.1轨迹数据处理技术 5

2.1.1数据清洗 5

2.1.2轨迹分段 6

2.1.3轨迹压缩 6

2.2分类算法 7

2.2.1随机森林 7

2.2.2逻辑回归 8

2.2.3支持向量机 9

2.2.4 kNN算法 10

2.3模型评估 11

2.3.1 混淆矩阵 12

2.3.2 准确率 13

2.3.3 精确率和召回率 13

2.3.4 F1值 14

2.4本章小结 15

第三章 轨迹分类模型建立与分析 16

3.1 相关概念 16

3.1.1大圆距离 16

3.1.2数据清洗 17

3.2轨迹数据预处理 18

3.2.1计算对象运动属性值 18

3.2.2轨迹数据清洗 19

3.3轨迹数据分类算法 19

3.3.1随机森林算法 19

3.3.2 kNN算法 20

3.4 模型评估 22

3.5本章小结 25

第四章 分类算法改进与参数调整 26

4.1数据分析 26

4.2 kNN算法的改进 27

4.2.1卡方距离 27

4.2.2 基于加权卡方距离的kNN算法 27

4.2.3 算法改进后的结果分析 28

4.3随机森林参数调整 29

4.3.1 数据简化处理 29

4.3.1 参数调整 30

4.4本章小结 31

第五章 总结与展望 32

5.1本文主要工作 32

5.2进一步的展望 33

参考文献 34

致谢 36

第一章 绪论


空间轨迹是由地理空间中的运动物体产生的轨迹,通常由一系列时间顺序的点表示,例如p1 →p2 → · · · → pn,其中每个点包括地理空间坐标集和时间戳,如p = (x, y, t)。



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