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 2021-12-21 21:47:05  


摘 要





Analysis of Social Network Users Based on Knowledge Graph


With the rapid development and popularization of mobile Internet and Internet of things, social network has gradually become an indispensable part of ordinary people's life. Social networks are characterized by large number of users and high frequency of use, thus generating massive amounts of data. However, traditional relational database to store users’ data and conduct data analysis is inefficient, and most of the recommendation algorithms are based on user tags, which has the problem of excessive recommendation. Knowledge mapping is a rapidly developing field in recent years. Essentially it is a semantic network, revealing the relationship between entities and concepts. The use of graphs to represent knowledge is the original purpose of a knowledge graph. Google, Microsoft and baidu have all launched their own knowledge graphs, which have been successfully applied to search engines, natural language processing, speech and visual recognition and other fields.

Therefore, this paper attempts to apply knowledge mapping technology to user analysis of social networks. Firstly, extract the keywords from the microblog content published by users to obtain useful information and filter out the meaningless words that are not important to the recommendation algorithm. Here we use Textrank, tf-idf and LDA algorithm for keyword extraction to analyze the implementation principles of the three and calculate the accuracy, and select the most suitable algorithm. Then, the cn-probase concept map realized by fudan university in China is used to build the knowledge map we need. Two traversal methods, depth traversal, breadth traversal, depth traversal based on weight and depth traversal based on weight, are used to recommend users according to the traversal results and calculate the accuracy.

The feature of this paper is to apply the current cutting-edge knowledge mapping technology to the analysis of social network users, suggest a method combining content-based and user-based analysis of social network users, and make recommendations based on the results of the analysis.

Keyword: social network,knowledge graph, recommendation algorithm, keyword extraction


摘要 I

Abstract Ⅱ

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 背景分析 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 协同过滤算法 2

1.2.2 基于内容的推荐算法 2

1.2.3 知识图谱技术 4

1.3 本文工作内容 5

第二章 相关技术基础 7

2.1 关键词提取 7

2.1.1 “结巴”分词 7

2.1.2 Textrank算法 7

2.1.3 TF-IDF算法 9

2.1.4 LDA主题模型关键词提取算法 10

2.2 CN-Probase概念图谱 10

2.3 Neo4j图数据库 12

第三章 关键词提取 13

3.1 数据预处理及归一化 13

3.2 Textrank 14

3.3 TF-IDF 17

3.4 LDA 18

3.5 三者方法的比较 19

第四章 建立知识图谱 22

4.1 获取用户属性 22

4.2 建立知识图谱 24

第五章 用户推荐 28

5.1 数据集准备和评价标准 28

5.2 两种遍历方法的实现及其比较 28

第六章 总结与展望 33

参考文献 34

致谢 36

第一章 绪论


随着新时代互联网上的社交网站发展日益繁荣,我们从过去的PC时代来到如今的移动互联网时代,网络技术和终端设备的迅猛发展,促使手机和4G的普及,使得社交网络已经融入了普通人的生活,成为了人们必不可少的工具之一。截至2014年12月,日常生活中通用的主流社交网站(包括Facebook、Twitter、QQ、百度贴吧及新浪微博等) 月活跃用户之和已经达到了 40 亿人次。[1]


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