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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 计算机类 > 计算机科学与技术 > 正文


 2021-12-21 21:10:05  


摘 要





Research on Privacy Protection Mechanism in Location-based Services


With the popularity of mobile devices, the development of computer networks and positioning technology, more and more users have been inseparable from the application of location-based services. For example, taxi, navigation, dating, sports and other application software are based on the user's location to provide services. However, at the same time, the vigorous development of machine learning and big data analysis has enabled attackers to analyze and infer from a large number of user location information to the user's home address, health status, travel route, etc., which greatly increased Risk of privacy leakage of user's location.

However, since machine learning can bring us danger, on the contrary, we can also use machine learning to improve our ability to protect privacy. Inspired by GANs, this paper proposes a location privacy protection algorithm based on adversarial neural networks—the establishment of two networks: generating network G, representing the protector, trying to blur the user ’s real location to produce the best protection mechanism; identifying the network D, on behalf of the attacker, tries to infer the user's location from the existing information.

First of all, this article describes the theoretical basis related to this, including location privacy protection technology and generative adversarial network technology. Then, starting from the basic idea and architecture of model building, this article discusses in detail how to quantify utility, quantify privacy, and the strategy of G and D playing games. Then, this article introduces the specific details of the network implementation, including the network's loss function, evaluation indicators, and convergence. Finally, in this paper, the trained model, namely the location privacy protection mechanism, is implemented on the synthetic data, and the results are compared with the Laplace mechanism, and satisfactory results are achieved.

Keywords: Location privacy protection; Generating adversarial networks

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

目 录 III

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究动机 1

1.3 研究现状 2

1.4 论文组织结构 3

第二章 相关技术 5

2.1 位置隐私保护 5

2.1.1 服务框架 5

2.1.2 事件定义 7

2.1.3 保护机制 7

2.1.4 度量指标 8

2.1.5 保护方法 9

2.2 生成对抗网络 11

2.2.1 基本架构 11

2.2.2 模型举例 12

2.2.3 模型优势 13

2.3 本章总结 13

第三章 生成对抗网络的构建 15

3.1 框架设计 15

3.1.1 基本思想 15

3.1.2 具体架构 16

3.1.3 算法流程 16

3.2 模型设定 17

3.2.1 基本设定 17

3.2.2 量化效用 18

3.2.3 量化隐私 18

3.2.4 博弈策略 18

3.2.5 评判标准 19

3.3算法设计 19

3.3.1 实用性 19

3.3.2 隐私性 20

3.3.3 评估指标 20

3.3.4 收敛性 21

3.4 本章总结 22

第四章 实验设计与性能评估 23

4.1实验设计 23

4.1.1 数据集 23

4.1.2 对照机制 24

4.1.3 评估指标 24

4.2 实验一 25

4.3 实验二 27

第五章 总结与展望 30

5.1 本文优势 30

5.1.1 灵活性 30

5.1.2 适用性 30

5.1.3 健壮性 30

5.2 后续研究 31

参考文献 32

致 谢 35

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景

随着互联网技术、定位技术的发展以及移动设备的普及,人们的生活变得越来越信息化、智能化。用户可以通过基于位置服务(Location Based Service LBS)的应用,随时随地的获取自身的位置,以此获得相应的服务来满足自己的需要。例如(1)提供出行导航服务的腾讯地图,高德地图以及嘀嘀打车等软件;(2)满足生活需要智能推荐附近餐饮住宿等兴趣点的美团、大众点评以及支付宝口碑等软件;(3)提供社交网络服务有微信、陌陌以及QQ等软件;(4)提供运动检测服务的KEEP、咕咚运动等软件。人们的生活已经逐渐离不开LBS应用,也愿意提供其信息来交换改进的服务。虽然LBS应用给我的生活带来了许多的便利,但与此同时用户在使用LBS应用的同时也面临着位置隐私泄露的危险。尤其是在大数据蓬勃发展的今天,服务商和攻击者能够通过大数据分析用户的兴趣点(Point Of Interest POI)并推断出用户更多的隐私。例如(1)通过分析用户位置的更新轨迹,可以推断出用户的出行路线以及生活习惯等;(2)通过分析用户的具体的所在位置,可以推断出用户的宗教信仰、健康状况以及家庭情况等;(3)通过分析用户的位置停留的密集程度,可以推断出用户的家庭住址、公司地址等。无疑,这些隐私的泄露极有可能给用户带来难以估计的损失,因此对于位置隐私的保护机制的设计已经成为亟需解决的实际问题。

1.2 研究动机



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