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 2021-12-15 23:09:07  


摘 要




关键词:验证码 卷积神经网络 识别

Verification code recognition system based on deep learning


Captcha is an automatic program that can distinguish people from machines. It can generate questions in a specific format that humans can recognize, and can also determine the user's answers. Therefore, it can effectively prevent robot violence, at the same time it is easy to operate, can protect the network security, all kinds of websites are attracted to it.

With more and more verification code pictures appearing on the network, the demand for identifying verification codes is also increasing. This paper uses a verification code recognition scheme based on an eight-layer convolutional neural network. Compared with the traditional ORC recognition scheme, this scheme can recognize some verification codes with noise and lines, and has higher performance. This paper mainly takes 10000 character verification codes as the research object, and enters the verification code image with adhesion, rotation and difficult segmentation into the entrance of the convolutional neural network after gray-scale and normalization processing, through convolution, pooling , Fully connected to perform verification code feature extraction and verification code identification. The final test results show that the model has a 90% accuracy rate for this type of character verification code recognition.

This article first introduces the main technology used by the system, then introduces the source and classification of the data set, and describes the pre-processing operation on the data set, training the neural network according to the pre-processed data set, and finally using the training results Perform verification code identification.

Key Words: Captcha; Convolutional Neural Network; Identify

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 课题研究背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 本文的主要研究工作 2

1.4 本章小结 3

第二章 开发工具及相关技术 4

2.1 开发平台,Python和Tensorflow 4

2.2 验证码 4

2.2.1 数字字符型验证码 5

2.2.2 其他类型验证码 6

2.3 卷积神经网络 7

2.3.1 结构 7

2.3.2 正向传播 7

2.3.3 反向传播 8

2.3.4 卷积层 11

2.3.5 池化层 12

2.3.6 Dropout层 13

2.3.7 全连接层 14

2.4 本章小结 14

第三章 验证码图片处理 15

3.1 数据集的创建 15

3.1.1 数据集 15

3.2 数据集的预处理 16

3.2.1 灰度化 17

3.2.1 归一化 17

3.3 TFRecords格式转存与读取 18

3.4 本章小结 19

第四章 系统实现 20

4.1 数据训练 20

4.4.1 整体结构 20

4.4.2 卷积神经网络结构 20

4.4.3 Adam梯度下降优化 28

4.4.4 one-hot编码与交叉熵损失计算 29

4.4.5 准确率计算与多线程读取文件 32

4.2 验证码图片识别 33

4.2.1 用户界面 33

4.2.2 准确率测试 34

4.2.3 打开或生成一张验证码 35

4.2.4 验证码识别 36

4.3 实验结果评估 37

4.3.1 评估准则 37

4.3.2 实验结果 37

4.4 本章小结 38

第五章 总结与展望 39

致谢 40

参考文献 41

  1. 绪论

1.1 课题研究背景及意义



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