2021-04-21 22:50:41
摘 要
(2)提出了港口货运车辆导航系统的框架结构。该框架运用了Android、Java Web、HTTP网络传输协议、MySQL数据库等技术实现了典型C/S架构的应用服务。Android客户端通过Google zxing、高德地图SDK、讯飞语音播报等技术实现了扫码获取货运信息、车辆定位导航服务。Java Web服务器采用Servlet实现数据存取的业务逻辑与MySQL数据库进行数据交互。在网络传输模块采用了基于OKHTTP的网络框架保证系统的网络请求稳定高效。
Since our country's "the Belt and Road" strategy was put forward, the port has played an increasingly important role in the construction of the "Maritime Silk Road" and is facing unprecedented opportunities for development. China's coastal cities have all increased the investment and construction of ports under the influence of policies. However, the domestic port services have a single content, and the port's overall functional level is relatively poor. The level of port service quality and information construction needs to be improved simultaneously. The port cargo vehicle navigation system comprehensively utilizes mobile internet, computers, databases, and network communication technologies to provide intelligent, efficient, and standardized freight services for foreign vehicles, thereby improving port service efficiency and service quality, and comprehensively building informatization, networking, and intelligence. The modern port has great significance.
The graduation project proposes the framework of the port cargo vehicle navigation system. Based on this framework, the design of the port cargo vehicle navigation system based on the two-dimensional code and Android platform. The main work of the dissertation is as follows:
(1) Researched the key technologies involved in the vehicle navigation system. The status quo of the development of GPS technology at home and abroad was analyzed, the use of third-party map service platforms in China was studied, and a vehicle navigation system based on the High German Map SDK was implemented.
(2) The framework of the navigation system for port cargo vehicles was proposed. The framework uses Android, Java Web, HTTP network transmission protocol, MySQL database and other technologies to achieve a typical C / S architecture application services. Android client achieves scan code acquisition of cargo information and vehicle positioning and navigation services through technologies such as Google zxing, High German map SDK, and Newsflash voice broadcast. The Java Web server uses Servlets to implement data access business logic to interact with MySQL databases. The network transmission module uses a OKHTTP-based network framework to ensure that the system's network requests are stable and efficient.
(3) Combining the entire business scenario of port cargo vehicle registration from entering port to picking up and leaving port, we designed and implemented a port cargo vehicle navigation system based on the Android platform. The basic functions of the system are divided into three parts: task information acquisition, vehicle location navigation, and problem feedback. It provides integrated services for the driver to pick up the goods and leave the port. Among them, the problem feedback function that the system is open to users can continuously improve the user experience so as to achieve continuous optimization of port service levels.
In order to improve the practicality of the graduation design, the system adopts the zxing open source project to realize the verification of shipment codes with two-dimensional codes to improve work efficiency, and uses maps, positioning, search and navigation services provided by the Gaode map open platform to meet the actual application scenarios of drivers. Therefore, the research and design of this system has important reference value for improving the level of port information construction and increasing the comprehensive strength of the port.
Keywords: Harbor; Navigation; Android; C/S Model
摘要 I
Abstract II
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景及意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.3预期研究目标综述 2
2港口货运车辆导航系统的框架设计 3
2.1 港口货运车辆导航系统的框架 3
2.1 Android技术简介 4
2.1.1 Android平台架构 4
2.1.2 Android应用组件 5
2.2 Java语言简介 6
2.3高德地图API简介 6
2.4开发工具简介 6
2.4.1Android Studio简介 6
2.4.2MyEclipse简介 7
2.4.3 Powerdesign及MySQL简介 7
3需求分析与总体设计 8
3.1 需求分析 8
3.1.1 前端导航需求分析 8
3.1.2 后台服务需求分析 10
3.1.3性能需求分析 10
3.1.4 功能流程分析 11
3.2功能架构及其说明 12
3.3数据库设计及其说明 13
3.4 界面设计 16
3.5设计难点和技术解决方案 19
4.系统实现 20
4.1Android前端功能实现 20
4.1.1 界面布局的重点属性介绍 20
4.1.2 网络请求与数据传递 21
4.1.2车辆定位导航功能的实现 23
4.1.3扫描二维码识别货运单号 24
4.2后台服务器的数据处理 25
4.2.1基于Servlet的数据服务 25
4.2.2 数据库的连接与操作 26
5.结束语 28
参考文献 29
致谢 31
伴随着国家 “一带一路”战略的提出,我国的港口发展迎来了新的局面,占据地理优势的沿海城市纷纷加大了港口建设。然而,港口整体功能水平的发展却面临着严峻的挑战,其中,信息化程度滞后是我国港口发展最严重的问题。物流作为信息密集型产业,现代物流要求全方位的跟踪,实时的信息共享。但港口的信息平台发展落后,无法实现物流企业间时信息共享,这就无法满足现代物流对港口的要求。在现代港口竞争因素多元化、港口经营国际化、港口腹地经济贸易化和港口信息化的今天,提高港口的信息化建设,无疑为港口提高服务质量和服务水平,进而强化整体竞争实力提供了重要手段[1]。