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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 经济学 > 正文


 2020-04-13 11:47:23  

摘 要





Under the background of the slow economic development in our country, maintaining the stable operation of the economy and promoting the development of high-quality economy has become the focus of many scholars' research.The role of transportation development in economic development and urbanization has received widespread attention.On the one hand, traffic has built a basic platform for the development of economic activities in China.With this as a basis, the process of urbanization has been promoted and the growth of GDP has been promoted. The degree of perfection and bearing capacity of transportation are directly related to the quality of economic development in a country or region.On the other hand, the agglomeration benefits and external benefits of the city have led to the development of the local economy. At the same time, it has also put forward new requirements for transportation.Even though many resource categories in the southwest region are dominant in the country, it is difficult to build and maintain traffic due to complex terrain and physical barriers.This has led to low levels of transportation within the region, slow economic development, and lagging urbanization.

This article, based on a review of related literature, is based on the understanding of the causes of backward traffic in the Southwest China.To explore the relationship between the development of transportation within the region and the level of urbanization, and to determine that the development of transportation in the southwest region has an important strategic position for the level of urbanization and economic development.Then, using data from the “China Statistical Yearbook,” combined with the socioeconomic situation in the southwest, based on panel data from five provinces and cities in southwest China in 2007-2016,Using the GMM to overcome the endogenous problems, compare it with the mixed OLS and fixed effect models to analyze the actual relationship between urbanization level and traffic development in the southwestern region and fully understand the level of urbanization development of the traffic requirements in the Southwest.The results show that the development of transportation in the southwest region has a strong role in promoting the level of urbanization.At the same time, the acceleration of urbanization will in turn promote the development of transportation.Therefore, in order to improve the economic strength of the southwest region of China and achieve sustainable development of the urbanization process.It should rely on scientific and technological advancement, adherence to integrity and science, optimize transport structure and resource allocation, and ensure that the internal and external transportation links in the southwest region are moderately advanced.

Thereby promote the coordinated development of urbanization and transportation..

Key Words:the Southwest China; Development of Urbanization; Transportation; GMM Estimation

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景与意义 1

1.2 研究思路与内容 2

1.3 结构安排 2

第2章 文献综述 3

2.1国外相关研究 3

2.1.1国外经典理论综述 3

2.1.2 国内外研究现状 5

2.2国内相关研究 5

2.2.1交通对城市空间结构的作用 5

2.2.2交通经济带理论 6

第3章 西南地区交通发展对城市化水平影响的实证分析 7

3.1描述性统计分析 7

3.2模型设定 9

3.3变量选取 9

3.4研究方法 10

3.5数据说明 10

第4章 交通发展对城市化水平影响的实证结论分析 12

4.1 初步估计结果 12

4.2 工具变量估计结果 13

第5章 结论与建议 15

参考文献 16

致 谢 18



1949年新中国成立之初,全国先后设立了六大行政区,西南地区即为其中之一,即西南四省五方协作区。狭义上,西南地区包括包括川、 滇、 黔、 桂、重五个省(区、市)。其中重庆直辖市于1997年正式成立。我国西南地区位于我国第一阶梯和第二阶梯南部,总面积137万平方公里,地形复杂,高原盆地错落。


西南是我国资源最丰富的地区之一,许多类别均在全国居主导地位。全国有80%水力资源在川、滇、黔、藏,在长江以南乃至全国都居重要地位;煤炭保有储量70多亿吨,天然气剩余储量 120 余亿立方米;在33种被统计的主要矿种中,已探明有稀土、汞、钦、铂族金属、镁盐、钾盐、石棉等西南地区的储量占全国90%以上。其中金属矿产,铁矿保有储量占全国21.4% ,锰矿占全国60.9 % 、 铝土矿占33.8 % , 锡占78% 、 铝占26.6% 、 锌占37%、 锑占50 %;非金属矿产以磷铁矿为最, 保有储量57.5亿吨, 占全国43.1% 芒硝占全国49%,此外还有大量的硫、 盐、 石棉、 滑石、 膨润土、 建筑石料等;四川、重庆已探明的80余种矿种中有十余种居全国之首,西藏的铀矿、硼沙储量居世界第一,贵州在已探明的73种矿物中有20多种名列全国榜首;森林蓄积量26亿立方米,占全国29.5%,西藏、四川、云南生产着全国50%以上的药材;竹材、经济林木、果品生产以及粮食、经济作物及其它畜产资源都十分丰富。在旅游资源上,西部地区横跨长江、黄河,又是少数民族集聚地,区内文物古迹、风景名胜、民族风情得天独厚、独具特色。

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