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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 经济学 > 正文


 2021-11-15 21:19:10  

摘 要





The "13th Five-Year Plan" and "Made in China 2025" put forward the important role of technological innovation in China's economic development. Technological innovation provides the core competitiveness for each country to participate in world competition. High-tech enterprises are the main carriers of technological innovation. Various aspects such as productivity level, optimization and upgrading of industrial structure, and promotion of technological progress play an indispensable role. However, due to the unreasonable phenomenon of the allocation of innovative resources, the technological innovation efficiency of some enterprises is not satisfactory. It is of great practical significance to analyze how to improve the efficiency of innovation and propose targeted countermeasures and suggestions to promote the progress of the technology innovation industry and thus the overall economic level.

This paper analyzes the status quo and problems of high-tech enterprises in Shanghai, and on the basis of previous studies, uses DEA model to measure innovation efficiency, and analyzes the factors affecting the efficiency of enterprise technology innovation through multiple regression methods, and proposes to improve the efficiency of innovation. The solution measures have certain reference value for improving the efficiency of innovation investment and promoting the development of innovative enterprises.

Key Words:High-tech enterprise; technological innovation efficiency; influencing factors; Shanghai

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景与意义 1

1.1.1 选题背景 1

1.1.2 研究意义 1

1.2 文献综述 1

1.3 研究内容 2

1.3.1 主要研究内容 2

1.3.2 拟采取的研究方法 3

第2章 相关概念及理论基础 4

2.1 相关概念 4

2.1.1 高新技术企业 4

2.1.2 技术创新 4

2.1.3 技术创新效率 4

2.2 理论基础 4

2.2.1 技术创新的基本理论 4

2.2.2 技术效率理论 5

第3章 上海市高新技术企业现状 6

3.1上海市高新技术企业发展概况 6

3.2存在的问题 7

3.3机遇和挑战 8

第4章 实证分析 9

4.1指标选取 9

4.1.1 产出指标 9

4.1.2投入指标 10

4.1.3影响因素指标 10

4.2数据来源与处理 12

4.2.1数据来源 12

4.2.2数据处理 13

4.3回归分析 13

4.3.1实证分析 13

4.3.2结果分析 14

第5章 结论与展望 16

5.1主要结论 16

5.2对策建议 16

5.2.1加大创新资源的投入力度,合理配置资源 16

5.2.2完善相关制度 17

5.2.3鼓励高技术产品出口 17

5.2.4注重培养高素质科技创新型人才 18

5.2.5坚持自主创新与技术引进相结合 18

5.3论文展望 18

参考文献 20

致 谢 22

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景与意义

1.1.1 选题背景



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