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互联网 与制造业融合的机制和绩效分析——以家具制造业为例毕业论文

 2021-10-24 16:28:49  

摘 要






This paper mainly studies the mechanism and performance of China's manufacturing industry development promoted by the Internet under the background of the penetration of the Internet into various industries. At the same time, this paper takes the furniture manufacturing industry as an example, selects Shangpin Housing as an enterprise case, and makes a detailed analysis of the important role of the Internet in the process of enterprise transformation. In terms of empirical analysis, this paper selects the manufacturing data of China's provincial level from 2000 to 2016 and the furniture manufacturing data from 2008 to 2016 and makes a regression analysis on the change of technological efficiency promoted by the Internet at the provincial level.

The results show that there are three existing mechanisms: servitization of manufacturing industry, intelligent manufacture and mass customization. As for the performance of the manufacturing industry effected by the Internet, there is still a lack of relevant research, and the quantification of Internet indicators is over-simplified. In this study, an Internet comprehensive index was applied as an explanatory variable through the principal component analysis method. Through empirical analysis, it was found that the Internet improved the technical efficiency of China's manufacturing industry more significantly than that of furniture manufacturing industry.

With the traditional comparative advantage of manufacturing industry gradually disappearing, this study has some inspiration for the formation of new competitive advantage in the development of China's manufacturing industry. At the same time, quantifying the influence of Internet through an Internet comprehensive index is also to some extent to make up for the current relevant research.

Key Words: (furniture) manufacturing industry;internet;mass customization


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 选题背景 1

1.1.1 研究目的 1

1.1.2 研究意义 2

1.2 研究方法与研究思路 2

1.3 国内外研究动态 3

1.3.1 概念界定 3

1.3.2 “互联网 ”与制造业融合的机制和绩效研究 4

第2章 “互联网 ”与制造业融合实现制造业发展的机制 7

2.1机制分析 8

2.1.1 制造业服务化 8

2.1.2 智能制造 10

2.1.3 大规模定制 12

2.2 案例分析—以尚品宅配为例 14

2.2.1 案例描述 14

2.2.2案例分析——互联网助推企业发展 15

2.2.3 借鉴与不足 17

第3章 互联网促进(家具)制造业发展的绩效实证分析 19

3.1 互联网促进(家具)制造业发展的绩效研究现状 19

3.1.1 产业层面的绩效研究 19

3.1.2 企业层面的绩效研究 19

3.2 互联网对我国(家具)制造业技术效率变化的实证研究 20

3.2.1 研究设计 21

3.2.2 回归结果及分析 23

第4章 总结与展望 26

4.1 主要结论 26

4.2 政策启示与建议 26

参考文献 28

附录 31

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