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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 经济学 > 正文


 2021-10-20 19:22:02  

摘 要





Since the 1990 s, the obtained the rapid development of securities market in our country, although the market matures, but compared with western developed countries still have more and more citizens of the insufficient participation in investment banking, but how to screening of investment products has always been puzzled investors, securities investment research hot topic in the enduring, therefore, this paper tries to use EVA value investment model for investors to provide a more meaningful guidance

This paper adopts quantitative and qualitative research methods to study the investment value of e-commerce industry with suning tesco as an example. In terms of industry development, this paper analyzes the concept of e-commerce and the development course of e-commerce industry in China based on China's specific national conditions, and divides it into the initial stage, the infrastructure stage, the rapid development stage and the stable development stage. After about 30 years of development, China's e-commerce industry has become a latecomer and is now in the leading position in the world. However, it still faces the problem of unbalanced regional development. In empirical research, the thesis first combing the traditional value evaluation model of enterprise, is divided into absolute valuation method and relative valuation method, EVA index relative to other traditional evaluation model has its unique advantages, and combined with the development of e-commerce industry characteristics, this paper chose the EVA model to evaluate the investment value of the e-commerce industry. Based on enterprise financial reports of original data, the article Su Ningyi purchase net operating profit after tax and the total amount of capital invested in some adjustment on the basis of the combination of WACC calculated the EVA Su Ningyi purchase value, comparing the calculated results and the enterprise's financial data analysis, found the deficiency of traditional financial index, so as to determine the investment value of the enterprise.

Keywords: EVA, electronic commerce, Suning, Enterprise valuatio


第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2国内外文献综述 1

1.2.1国外研究现状 1

1.2.2国内研究现状 2

第2章 中国电商行业发展历程与现状 3

2.1电子商务的概念 3

2.2我国电子商务发展历程 3

2.1.1萌芽起步阶段(1991年-1999年) 4

2.1.2基础建设阶段(2000年-2009年) 4

2.1.3快速发展阶段(2010年-2014年) 5

2.1.4稳定发展阶段(2015年至今) 5

2.3我国电子商务发展现状 6

2.2.1电商平台之间的联系愈加紧密,致力于构建大型网络生态系统 6

2.2.2区域发展不平衡,经济发达地区集中情况较为突出 7

第3章 企业价值评估方法分析与电子商务企业价值评估模型选择 8

3.1绝对估值法 8

3.1.1股利贴现模型估值法(DDM) 8

3.1.2现金流量贴现模型估值法(DCF) 9

3.1.3经济附加值估值法(EVA) 9

3.1.4决策树估值法(DTA) 9

3.2相对估值法 10

3.2.1市盈率(PE) 10

3.2.2市净率(PB) 10

3.2.3市销率(PS) 10

3.2.4市现率 11

3.2.5企业价值倍数估值法 11

3.3电子商务企业价值评估模型选择 12

3.3.1 EVA模型的优势 12

3.3.2 EVA值的计算调整 12

第4章 实证分析:以苏宁易购为例 14

4.1调整项目的计算:税后净营业利润(NOPAT)和资本总额(TC) 14

4.2 计算加权资本成本(WACC) 15

4.2.1权益资本成本 16

4.2.2债务资本成本 16

4.2.3加权资本成本 17

4.3 EVA值的计算与分析 18

4.3.1计算苏宁易购的EVA值 18

4.3.2苏宁易购企业概况 18

4.3.3EVA值与利润的对比分析 19

第5章 研究结论与展望 21

5.1 研究结论 21

5.2研究的局限性与展望 21

参考文献 22

致谢 24









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