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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 经济学 > 正文


 2021-10-15 20:58:13  

摘 要





Generic technology research and development has the nature of quasi-public goods, in the process of research and development will be caused by a variety of reasons, resulting in "free rider" behavior and the occurrence of common technology R amp; D supply shortage and other issues. Study on the regional innovation system (RIS) however, is built on the basis of national innovation system, is to extend and reflect of the existing innovation theory in the regional level to construct regional innovation system is helpful to the realization of the national innovation strategy. The to the economic development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei area as an example, based on to the actual situation of Beijing Tianjin Hebei region, research on industrial generic technology research and development of the regional innovation system, in order to solve the shortage of generic technology, "free rider" problem, to better achieve the national innovation strategy.

This paper mainly consists of the following aspects: first, the concept of industrial generic technology were defined, describes the application of industrial generic technology, defines the concept of industrial integration and the regional innovation system, and introduces the economic significance of the integration of the industry and in some kind of organization structure; by a summary of international scholars this describes the concept of regional innovation system. Secondly, by reference to the domestic and foreign regional common technology research and development and the development of the innovation system model proposed "play to the role of policy guidance, to establish and perfect the mechanism of investment and encourage enterprises to participate in the Enlightenment of the innovation activities". Again, based on the analysis of the current situation of the development of Beijing and Tianjin wing area, put forward the corresponding basic principles, construction ideas and key tasks. Finally, it puts forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions to promote the research and development system of common technology.

Key Words:Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei industrial integration;generic technology;Regional innovation system

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景与意义 1

1.1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.2 研究意义 1

1.2 研究综述 1

1.3 研究内容与研究方法 2

1.3.1 研究内容 2

1.3.2 研究方法 2

第2章 相关概念的界定 3

2.1 产业共性技术 3

2.2 产业一体化 3

2.3 区域创新体系 4

第3章 区域共性技术创新体系联动机制和技术经济学分析 5

3.1 区域共性技术创新体系联动机制 5

3.1.1“政-研”的互动机制 5

3.1.2 “政-企”的互动机制 5

3.1.3 “产-研”的互动机制 6

3.2 区域产业共性技术研究的技术经济学分析 6

第4章 国内外区域共性技术研发创新体系发展模式及启示 8

4.1 横向区域创新体系:纽约城市群 8

4.1.1 核心城市“一城一产业” 8

4.1.2 港口经济特征明显 9

4.2 纵向区域创新体系:珠三角城市圈 9

4.3 发展模式借鉴及启示 11

4.3.1 发挥政策引导作用 11

4.3.2 建立健全投入机制 11

4.3.3 鼓励企业参与到创新投资活动中来 12

第5章 京、津、冀区域产业共性技术研发创新体系发展思路 13

5.1 发展现状 13

5.2 基本原则 14

5.3 建设思路 14

5.4 重点任务 15

5.4.1 构建知识创新体系 15

5.4.2 构建技术创新体系 16

第6章 结论与建议 17

6.1 结论 17

6.2 促进京、津、冀区域共性技术研发体系发展的建议 17

6.2.1 充分发挥政府主导作用 17

6.2.2 建设三大市场 17

6.2.3 完善三项体系 18

参考文献 19

致 谢 21

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景与意义

1.1.1 研究背景


1.1.2 研究意义


1.2 研究综述

国外学者对于共性技术研发的研究起步很早,关注方向集中在产业一体化建设、创新能力提高等方面。Dosi(1982)、Granberg and Stankiewicz, (1981)的研究对共性产业技术做出了界定,他们认为,一般技术的应用范围越广,使用者越多,技术的共性就越强。Coombs(1987)、G. Tassey(1991)、Lewis M. Branscomb (1992)等学者的实证也表明,技术应用范围和受众规模与产业一体化中共性技术研发水平和能力呈正相关关系。

M. Dustmanamp;M. Teubal(1997)根据1985年美国国会技术评估办公室信息产业的报告,利用产业名录对产业技术进行了大致的分类。同时,对专有技术和非专有技术也做出了定义上的区分,其中专有技术是单个主体拥有的技术。专有技术的领域包括了已经申请到专利的技术和没有申请到专利的技术,即非专利技术。非专利技术的特点就是技术不为某一企业所专享,而是被多个企业共同使用。通常意义上我们所说的共性技术就包括在非专利技术这一领域当中。

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