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 2021-10-12 22:19:05  

摘 要


双边匹配理论起源于博弈论的相关研究,1962年,Gale与Shapley做出了该理论的初步设想。两位学者在论文《College Admissions and the Stability of Marriage》中提出了递延接受算法,根据该匹配算法归纳结论:非空有序排列的匹配在婚姻中是可以达到的。两位学者也将该匹配算法应用到当时市场中的大学录取问题中,重新设计改进了市场模型,证明该递延接受算法同样适用于大学招生市场,帮助实现市场的稳定有序匹配。双边匹配理论由此开始在学术界开始获得关注,并在随后几十年里越来越受重视。双边匹配理论针对各个不同市场中交易双方的具体选择情形,进行规律的归纳总结,从而发现该市场的实际应用规律,为人们对各种市场及其配置机制进行设计建造和完善合理的市场机制提供了可靠的依据和选项。国外学术界已经将该理论成功应用到如大学生入学市场、应届毕业生工作市场、肾脏交易市场等市场中,并证明了理论的合理性和可操作性。




Economics is a subject that studying human behavior and limited resource’s allocation. Market is the base of the resource allocation. There are usually buyers, sellers and transaction

objects in the market. The two-sided participants’s combination will be different when the market mechanism changed. What’s kind of market mechanism is stable and efficient? Based

on the study of this question, we initiate the research of the Two-sided matching theory.

Two-sided matching theory is a branch of game theory. Gale and Shapley began the earliest study of it in 1962. They designed the deferred acceptance algorithm and got the conclusion that there existed non-empty stable matching in the marriage model. By using the

college admission model, they also proved that every applicant could achieve optimal stable

match through the "deferred acceptance algorithm". This article is the pioneer of the two-sided matching theory’s study. Then the two-sided matching theory had great development. According to amount of the objects of the matching, the matching theory could

be divided into: one to one matching, one to many matching and many to many matching. The

two-sided matching theory describes the matching situation of the market, explains the foundation of the stability of the market and provides us a right choice to design a rational matching mechanism. It has already been successfully applied to the markets such as: higher

education market, graduates labor market, school choice market and kidney trading market abroad.

This paper divides the development of bilateral matching theory is reviewed four main lines and gain, while matching theory in domestic and foreign markets, especially in the application of risk capital markets were studied; subsequently, introduced the high-tech enterprises of the allocation of capital markets features a combination of these characteristics through bilateral pairing theory of domestic venture capital market a summary of the inquiry; Finally, this paper studied the mechanism of high-tech industry to match the capital markets.

Keywords: Two-sided matching theory; venture capital; high-tech enterprises

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究意义 1

1.2 研究目标 2

1.3 研究方法 2

1.4 研究内容 2

第2章 双边匹配理论综述 3

2.1 不包含货币因素的双边匹配理论 3

2.2 包含货币因素的双边匹配理论 3

2.3 引入实验经济学思想的双边匹配理论 3

2.4 动态化的双边匹配理论 4

2.5 双边匹配理论在国内外风险资本市场应用的研究 5

2.5.1 双边匹配理论在国外的一般应用 5

2.5.2 双边匹配理论在国内的一般应用 6

2.5.3 目前双边匹配理论在风险资本市场的应用 6

第3章 中国高新技术产业风险资本的市场配置 7

3.1 中国风险资本市场的发展历程 7

3.2 风险投资对高新技术企业发展的影响分析 8

3.2.1 风险投资的运作流程 8

3.2.2 目前我国高新技术企业风险资本配置市场的优劣势 9

第4章 我国高新技术企业资本市场的匹配机制研究 12

4.1 多对一双边匹配理论 12

4.2 实际应用:双边匹配理论将如何联系实际作用于我国风险资本市场 12

4.3 一个例子:大鹏证券与奥沃国际的投融资匹配 14

第5章 结论 15

参考文献 16

致 谢 18

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究意义


从1962年Gale和Shapley发表双边匹配理论的奠基式论文《College Admissions and the Stability of Marriage》开始,双边匹配理论在国外已经经过了五十多年的发展。研究我国风险资本市场的匹配机制,实际上就是研究风险投资企业与融资企业的双边匹配。利用匹配理论,可以方便我们更深入地了解匹配机制原理,从而找出其中的规律而对当前机制进行改进。


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