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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 道路桥梁与渡河工程 > 正文


 2021-10-25 21:29:12  

摘 要

Abstract II

1 绪论 1

1.1 可行性研究 1

1.2 沿线自然地理特征 1

1.2.1 地形地貌 1

1.2.2 地质土质 1

1.2.3 地震情况 1

1.2.4 气候水文 1

1.2.5 材料供应 2

1.3 设计主要内容 2

2 平面设计 2

2.1 公路等级的确定 2

2.2 设计行车速度的确定 3

2.3 选线设计 3

2.3.1 选线的基本原则 3

2.3.2 选线的步骤和方法 4

2.4.1 平面线形设计原则 4

2.4.2 平曲线要素值的确定 4

3 纵断面设计 8

3.1 纵断面设计的原则 8

3.2 纵坡设计的要求 8

3.3 纵坡设计的步骤 8

3.4 竖曲线设计 9

3.4.1 确定《标准》中对竖曲线线要素值的规定 9

3.4.2 确定竖曲线的要素值 9

3.4.3 几何元素的计算 10

3.5 方案比选 11

4 横断面设计 12

4.1 横断面各部分尺寸的确定 12

4.2 路拱的确定 12

4.3 平曲线加宽及其过渡 12

4.4 确定最大超高率及超高过渡方式 12

4.4.1 确定最大超高率 12

4.4.2 确定超高过渡方式 12

4.3 超高值的计算 13

5 路基设计 14

5.1 设计基本规定 14

5.1.1 路基设计洪水频率 14

5.1.2 护脚、护肩、护坡的襟边宽度 14

5.1.3 路基干湿类型 14

5.1.4 路基最小填土高度 14

5.2 路基横断面设计 14

5.2.1 填方路基 14

5.2.2 挖方路基 15

5.2.3 半填半挖路基 15

6 排水设计 16

6.1 排水设计的原则 16

6.2 排水设计的目的 16

6.3 排水设施 16

7 路面设计 17

7.1 路面设计方案 17

7.2 沥青路面 18

7.3 水泥混凝土路面 20

7.3.1 20

7.3.2 20

7.3.3 20

7.3.4 21

7.3.5 21

7.3.6 21

7.3.7 22

7.3.8 22

8 路基加固(支挡)及防护工程设计 24

8.1 一般规定 24

8.2 坡面防护 24

8.3 挡土墙设计 24

8.3.1 墙身 24

8.3.2 基础 24

8.3.3排水设计 25

8.3.4 沉降缝与伸缩缝 25

8.3.5 挡土墙设计 25

9桥涵设计 29

9.1 涵洞设计原则 29

9.2择位原则 29

9.2 设涵地点 29

9.3 桥涵设计 29

10 结论 30

参考文献 31

致谢 32

摘 要





In recent years, the construction of expressways has played an increasingly important role in the economic society. Expressways can improve the speed of cars, make the rapid circulation of vehicles, shorten the period of material exchange, and make the people's life and work fast, efficient and convenient. They are also the embodiment of the comprehensive strength of a country.The design and construction of expressway is the main content of expressway construction.

The design is a 12-standard construction drawing design for the G40 shanxi section of the national highway main line. The main terrain of the road is hills and plains.After traffic volume calculation, the road grade is determined to be a two-way six-lane expressway. The length of the designed part of the expressway is 5,477 meters and the design speed is 120km/h.This design requires to select two alternative routes in the given topographic map, and then carry out the plane linear design, cross section and vertical section design for the two routes respectively. In the design, the two alternative routes are designed with 5 intersections, each with a softening curve, and the selected sections meet the requirements of horizontal and vertical combination design.After comparing and selecting each design project of the two alternative routes, a better route for each project was selected after comprehensively considering safety, economy, applicability and other factors.After the route is selected, the specific design of the route should be carried out. In addition to improving the horizontal and horizontal design of the road, the retaining wall design and drainage design should be carried out on the specific section of the route. In the vertical section, two variable slope points are designed, both of which can meet the requirements of minimum slope.Next, the subgrade and pavement design should be carried out to select the economic and practical design combination suitable for road grade and traffic volume requirements.Among these designs, scheme 1 is selected as the main scheme, and a 1200 meter path is cut out in scheme 1 for cross-sectional design, in which retaining walls are set up to improve the safety in the area with high height of filling and excavation.The retaining wall adopts gravity retaining wall, which is economical and safe.Drainage facilities are mainly set up: slope, drainage ditch, drainage ditch, culvert, etc., can better remove the road surface and roadbed water.The pavement design plans to adopt two pavement structure forms, asphalt concrete pavement and cement concrete pavement, through the necessary selection, comprehensive consideration of traffic volume, road grade and other factors to design a reasonable pavement.Finally, the data and forms obtained in the design process are sorted out.

Keywords: Highways;Route design;Roadbed design;Pavement design;Retaining wall design.

1 绪论

1.1 可行性研究


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