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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 道路桥梁与渡河工程 > 正文


 2021-06-24 23:14:23  

摘 要


关键词:平纵横设计 规范 安全 经济


This design is mainly to design a high-speed road between Yichang and Zhangjiajie, the design content mainly involves the respectively road line plane design, vertical section of road design, road cross section design, roadbed design and viaduct design. Through the geographical and hydrological data collection of high speed road area, and combined with the local the topographic map, design of the main line of the road in strict accordance with the national standard, put forward different plans were compared, thus the optimum route. According to the comparison results, the main line of the road around the longitudinal and cross-sectional design, according to the different geographical conditions, make appropriate adjustments to the road, and the corresponding design based on the people's livelihood. Civil rights, designed to promote the development of social economy, the design optimization of the road. The section length of 5 kilometers, after a lot of farmland and small District, part of the residents, with the purpose of convenience and economy of design index, the high-speed road sections of the farmland were adjusted using the form of viaduct, to facilitate local residents life, farming and other daily needs. This design strictly abide by national standard and professional knowledge on the road of standardization design and make the bid security, high-quality, high efficiency, economy, environmental protection.

Keywords:  Plane alignment design Vertical section design Security Economy Standard


第1章 概述 1

1.1 设计的目的及其意义 1

1.2 设计背景资料 1

1.2.1 地质环境 1

1.2.2 地形地貌 1

1.2.3 水文环境 2

1.3 设计依据 2

1.4 设计标准及设计原则 2

1.4.1 设计标准 2

1.4.2 设计原则 3

1.5 设计内容 3

1.6 设计预期 4

第2章 路线设计说明 5

2.1 选线 5

2.1.1 选线原则 5

2.1.2 路线方案及比选 5

2.2 平面设计 10

2.2.1 平面线形设计的一般原则 10

2.2.2 平面线形设计主要技术指标 10

2.2.3 圆曲线几何要素计算 11

第3章 纵断面设计说明 13

3.1 纵断面设计原则 13

3.1.1纵坡设计的要求 13

3.2 平纵组合设计原则 14

3.3 纵坡设计 14

3.3.1 最大纵坡 14

3.3.2 最小纵坡 14

3.3.3 最短坡长限制 14

3.3.4 最大坡长限制 14

3.4 竖曲线设计 15

3.4.1 竖曲线最小半径 15

表3.2 竖曲线半径取值 15

3.5 纵断面设计 15

第4章 道路横断面设计说明 18

4.1 横断面设计要求 18

4.2 横断面技术指标: 18

4.2.1 路基宽度 18

4.2.2 路拱坡度 18

4.2.3 路基边坡坡度 18

4.2.4 路基排水设计 19

4.3 横断面设计步骤: 20

4.4 超高及加宽 20

4.4.1 超高横坡度的确定 21

4.4.2 超高过渡的确定 21

4.5 土石方计算 21

第5章 路基路面设计说明 23

5.1 路基设计 23

5.1.1 路基设计的一般要求 23

5.1.2 路基的类型与构造 23

5.1.3 路基压实与压实度 23

5.1.4 软基处理 24

5.2 路面设计 24

5.2.1 设计原则 24

5.2.2 路面类型确定 25

5.2.3 沥青路面设计 25

第6章 桥涵设计 37

6.1桥涵的分类 37

6.2桥梁的具体设计 37

6.3涵洞的具体设计 37

6.3.1桥涵跨径的确定 37

6.3.2涵洞布置和结构设计 38

结束语 39

参考文献 40

附录 41

致谢 42

第1章 概述

1.1 设计的目的及其意义


1.2 设计背景资料


1.2.1 地质环境

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