2021-03-11 22:06:36
摘 要
所设计的道路时内蒙古某一地方的二级公路,准备建设一条 0至
- 路线设计:在老师给的的地形图的情况下,进行平曲线的设计、竖曲线的设计和纵断面的设计。要求我们设计出一条满足行车要求的路线。
- 路基设计:对整个路基的稳定性的分析,还有土石方的调运分配。
As a student who studied the road and bridge for four years, the design of a road or bridge as a whole has become our test of their own learning results. At the same time this is our return teacher taught us four years of knowledge, to the teacher four years of labor results of a feedback. This time I selected a route design. The following are the same as the "
The design of the road when a secondary highway in Inner Mongolia, ready to build a 0 to 3577.658 a long line of 3577.658m. , Design speed 80km / h, roadbed width of 12m. The following are the same as the "
The graduation design mainly includes the following:
1, the route design: the teacher to the topographic map of the case, the flat curve design, vertical curve design and longitudinal design. Asked us to design a route to meet the requirements of traffic.
2, subgrade design: the stability of the entire roadbed analysis, as well as the allocation of earth and stone transport.
3, retaining structure design: including we are familiar with the retaining wall design, to meet the stability of the foundation under the premise of the filling or dig a larger position to choose the appropriate retaining wall for the design. In addition, there are some special geological sections of the protection and reinforcement of the framework of the use of the skeleton of grass, to prevent the loss of foundation soil caused by the lack of stability of the foundation.
4, pavement design: to meet the requirements of the specification, to design two reasonable asphalt concrete pavement. And then compare the program, in the two programs loyalty to choose an optimal program. The following are the same as the "
Key words: route design, roadbed design, retaining structure design, pavement design
1背景资料 1
1.1概述 1
1.2沿线自然条件 1
1.2.1 地层、岩性 1
1.2.2 区域地震烈度 1
1.2.3 水文地质条件 1
1.2.4 气象 1
1.3道路等级和主要技术指标的论证和确定 2
1.4主要技术指标论证和确定 3
1.4.1设计速度的确定 3
1.4.2行车视距的确定 3
1.4.3最大纵坡的确定 3
1.4.4最大坡长和最小坡长的确定 3
1.5主要技术指标 4
2.选线 6
2.1路线方案比选及论证 6
2.2线段分析 6
2.3定线 9
2.4方案比选 9
3.平面设计 11
3.1平面线性 11
3.2平面几何要素计算 11
4.纵断面设计 14
4.1纵断面线形设计的规定和要求 14
4.2纵断面设计主要控制因素 14
4.3竖曲线要素计算 15
5.横断面设计 17
5.1横断面的组成的确定 17
5.2弯道的超高与加宽 17
5.3路堤和路堑边坡的防护方法 18
5.4排水设计 19
5.4.1边沟设计 19
5.4.2排水沟设计 20
5.4.3截水沟设计 20
5.4.4路面排水设计 21
5.5土石方调配 21
6、挡土墙设计 22
6.1挡土墙设计与计算 22
6.1.1重力式挡土墙的布置 22
6.1.2重力式挡土墙的构造 23
6.2设计资料及计算 24
6.2.1设计资料 24
6.2.2挡土墙计算 24
7、内蒙古二级公路沥青路面设计 29
7.1设计轴载 29
7.1.1设计弯沉值及沥青基层层底拉应力为设计指标 29
7.1.2半刚性材料层的层底拉应力为指标 31
7.2.初拟路面结构 33
7.2.1结构组合与材料 33
7.2.2各层材料的抗压模量与劈裂强度 33
7.3 设计指标的确定 34
7.3.1设计弯沉值 34
7.3.2 各层材料按容许层底拉应力 35
7.4路面结构层厚度确定 36
7.4.1理论弯沉系数的确定 36
7.4.2确定设计层厚度 37
7.4.3沥青混凝土面层和半刚性基层、底基层层底拉应力验算 37
7.5 交工验收弯沉值和层底拉应力计算 38
第8章 桥梁与涵洞 41
8.1桥涵的一般规定 41
8.2桥涵的分类 41
8.3涵洞型式选择 42
8.4涵洞的具体设计 42
致谢 44
参考文献 45
1.2.1 地层、岩性
1.2.2 区域地震烈度
1.2.3 水文地质条件