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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 制药工程 > 正文


 2020-05-22 20:58:24  

摘 要


Penetratin是一种长度为16个氨基酸、分子量为2245.29Da的跨膜肽。使用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)建立了Penetratin与其相关杂质的分离方法,实验以乙腈-磷酸盐缓冲液为流动相,考察了缓冲液浓度、pH、温度、流速、检测波长以及进样量对分离效果的影响。最终确定了跨膜肽Penetratin的最佳分离条件:流动相A:磷酸缓冲液浓度为40mmol/L ,pH为2.0,流动相B:乙腈;实验温度为30 oC,流速为1.0 mL/min,检测波长为UV214 nm,进样量为10μL。

实验结果表明,在0.28~4.5 mg/mL浓度范围内,跨膜肽Penetratin的主峰的峰面积与其浓度呈良好的线性关系。同时本次实验还考察了液相分析方法的重现性,主峰峰面积的相对标准偏差(RSD%)为1.11%,重现性良好。

关键词: 跨膜肽 Penetratin 高效液相色谱 分析

Analysis of penetrating peptides by high performance liquid chromatography


Penetrating peptides are a special kind of polypeptides, which can carry a series of substances with different biological activities into living cells through the cell membranes. As transporters, penetrating peptides have attracted much interest in the field of Medicine because of their characteristics of high efficiency and low toxicity. Thus, they have a very broad application prospect.

Penetratin is kind of Penetrating peptides with a molecular weight of 2245.29Da, which consists of 16 amino acids. With the separation method of high performance liquid chromatography established , the effects of phosphate buffer concentration buffer concentration, pH, temperature, flow rate, detection wavelength and injection volume on the separation efficiency of Penetratin and other impurities were investigated on the basis of selecting acetonitrile-phosphate buffer system as mobile phases. Finally, the optimal separation conditions of penetrating peptide Penetratin were established as moving phase A: a phosphate buffer concentration of 40mmol/L, a pH of 2.0, moving phase B:acetonitrile, a temperature of 30 oC, a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min, a detection wavelength of 214 nm UV and an injection volume of 10 L.

Besides, the experimental results also show that the main peak area of Penetratin has a good linear relationship with the concentration of Penetratin between 0.28 mg/ml and 4.50 mg/ml. Meanwhile, the reproducibility of the HPLC analysis method were also investigated in the experiments. And the RSD% of the main peak area was 1.11%, which means the analysis method reproduced well.

Key Words: Penetrating peptides;Penetratin;high performance liquid chromatography;Analysis

目 录

摘要 I


第一章 文献综述 1

1.1 跨膜肽的性质与应用 1

1.2 跨膜肽的检测方法 1

1.2.1 高效液相色谱法 1

1.2.2 高效毛细管电泳法 2

1.2.3 HPLC和HPCE的比较 2

1.3 国内外跨膜肽应用的研究进展 3

1.3.1 国内跨膜肽应用的研究进展 3

1.3.2 国外跨膜肽应用的研究进展 3

1.4 研究目的及研究内容 4

第二章 实验方法 5

2.1 仪器与试剂 5

2.1.1 仪器 5

2.1.2 试剂 5

2.2 实验样品 5

2.3 实验方法 6

2.3.1流动相的配制 6

2.3.2样品溶液的配制 6

2.3.3色谱条件 6

第三章 结果与讨论 8

3.1 跨膜肽Penetratin粗品的结构确定 8

3.2 波长的选择 8

3.3 流动相的选择 8

3.3.1 有机相的选择 8

3.3.2 水相的选择 9

3.4 梯度的选择 9

3.5 进样量的选择 10

3.6 流速的选择 11

3.7 缓冲液浓度及pH的优化 12

3.7.1 缓冲液浓度的优化 12

3.7.2 缓冲液pH的优化 12

3.8 实验柱温的优化 13

3.9 样品稳定性考察 13

3.10 分析方法的验证 13

3.10.1 方法的重现性考察 13

3.10.2 线性回归方程、相关系数考察 14

3.11 跨膜肽Penetratin主峰的确定 14

第四章 结论 16

参考文献 17

致谢 20

第一章 文献综述

1.1 跨膜肽的性质与应用

跨膜肽是一种没有破坏细胞膜构造,却渗透膜到达细胞内部的特殊多肽,它的长度一般不超过三十个氨基酸,且均带静正基电荷[1]。跨膜肽种类繁多,大体分为拥有信号序列的跨膜肽、宿主防卫肽和富有精氨酸(Arg)的跨膜肽[1]。而本实验研究对象是不具有典型结构的带大量阳离子的跨膜肽-Penetratin。近些年的科研证明,跨膜肽能够携带一连串有差异的生物活性的物质,如寡聚核苷酸、核酸、多肽和蛋白等,到达活细胞内[2, 3]。而对比其他载体而言,跨膜肽具有特别的高效低毒的特点,使其被当作是有用的细胞内转运对象。特别是是在治疗学和药学领域,指明了一个药物的靶向治疗及递送的新研究方向,具有非常广泛的应用前景[1]

1.2 跨膜肽的检测方法


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