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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 制药工程 > 正文


 2020-05-17 21:21:24  

摘 要


本实验将对扬子石化炼油厂处理过的原油作为脱水脱盐研究对象,开展电破乳实验,针对各个因素对电破乳脱水试验结果的影响进行考察,包括电压、频率、温度、脉宽、停留时间及注水量。通过一系列正交实验,我们得出结论:温度的影响作用最强,其次是电压和频率,而脉宽比在几个因素中则是影响作用最小的。同时我们也得到最佳的脱水脱盐条件:温度110 ℃,电压7 kV,频率4 kHz,脉宽比70 %,停留时间90 min,注水量6 %,而最终原油脱水率降至0.18 %,盐含量为1.15 mg/L。


Study on electric dehydration and desalination of crude oil


Now with the rapid development of human science and technology, the energy problem is becoming the biggest challenge for the development of industrialization in various countries. As a non renewable resources, the consumption of oil is the most important problem, a lot of oil fields have entered the late exploitation, the quality of the oil is also under the condition of every day, and the processing cost of the oil is rising, too. At the same time, it caused great pressure to the existing equipment, it often occurs crude oil not up to the standard after the treatment, as a result, the refinery production has been greatly affected..

This experiment will be used to study the processing of crude oil from the atmospheric vacuum distillation unit in Yangzi Petrochemical refinery, to carry out electric demulsification, In order to investigate the influence of various factors on electric demulsification and dehydration, including voltage, frequency, temperature, pulse width, and the residence time of water injection. Through a series of orthogonal experiments, we draw the conclusion that the effect of temperature is the most important, followed by the voltage and frequency, and the pulse width ratio is minimum in the several factors. At the same time, we also get the best conditions for dehydration and desalination: Temperature 110 C, voltage 7 kV, frequency 4 kHz, pulse width ratio of 70 %, residence time 90 min, water injection rate of 6 %, and the final crude oil dehydration rate fell to 0.18 %, the salt content of 1.15 mg/L.

Keywords: electricity, oil, demulsification, dehydration and desalting


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 文献综述 1

1.1 原油中的水和盐 1

1.2 原油的破乳方法 2

1.2.1 超声波破乳 2

1.2.2 化学破乳法 2

1.2.3 重力沉降法 2

1.2.4 离心破乳法 2

1.2.5 微生物破乳法 3

1.3 电脱水脱盐技术 4

1.3.1. 交直流电脱盐技术 4

1.3.2 常规交流电脱盐技术 4

1.3.3 高速电脱盐技术 5

1.3.4 鼠笼式平流电脱盐技术 5

1.3.5 双进油双电场电脱盐技术 5

1.4 影响脱盐效果的工艺因素 5

1.4.1 破乳剂类型及其注入量 5

1.4.2 电压 6

1.4.6 注水量 7

第二章 实验部分 9

2.1 实验原料和仪器 9

2.1.1 实验原料 9

2.1.2 实验仪器 9

2.2 实验部分 9

2.2.1电脱盐实验简述 9

2.2.2 原油含水率测定方法 11

第三章 实验结果分析 13

3.1 静态正交实验设计 13

3.2 单因素影响实验 14

3.2.1 电压的影响 14

3.2.2 频率的影响 15

3.2.3 温度的影响 16

3.2.4 脉宽比的影响 17

3.2.5 停留时间的影响 18

3.2.6 注水量的影响 18

第四章 结论与展望 20

4.1结论 20

4.2展望 20

参考文献 21

致谢 24

第一章 文献综述

1.1 原油中的水和盐



  1. 不溶性盐:CaCO3,CaSO4,BaSO4等盐类,以钙盐为主,硫化物则有CuS,FeS等,还有金属氧化物Fe3O4,Fe2O3[3]
  2. 可溶性盐:分为有机物盐类与无机物盐类

无机物盐类:包含常见的碳酸化合物的盐、碳酸氢盐、碱金属氯化物、硫酸盐等[4,5],它们中,钠、钾、钙、镁的氯化物占大多数,占总量的90 %以上。存在于原油中的无机盐,它们的存在形式以乳状液为主,只有少量不溶于水以悬浮结晶颗粒的状态存在。


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