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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 制药工程 > 正文


 2022-01-02 16:59:37  


摘 要

番茄作为一种基础农作物,不仅为人体提供营养,也是我国重要的出口作物。近年来,随着对产量的需求越来越大,过度的种植造成农田土壤利用率下降,土传病害也是层出不穷。这些都影响着番茄的可持续生产,因此如何在有限的种植条件下提高番茄产量显得尤为重要。本研究从微生物生态学的角度出发,对实验室自主分离的根际促生菌施氏假单胞菌NRCB010进行特性研究,并以番茄为供试植物,通过水培实验,在105CFU ml-1、103CFU ml-1、101CFU ml-1菌液浓度下,明确接种施氏假单胞菌NRCB010对番茄生长的影响,再测定该菌对番茄防御性酶活性的影响,探究其对番茄抗逆性的作用。




As a basic crop, tomato not only provides nutrition for human body, but also is an important export crop in China. However, in recent years, with the increasing demand for yield, the planting area of tomato has been expanding again and again. Excessive planting pressure has led to the decline of soil utilization rate of farmland, and soil borne diseases are also emerging in an endless stream. All of these affect the sustainable production of tomato, so how to improve the yield of Tomato under limited planting conditions is particularly important. From the point of view of microbial ecology, the characteristics of Pseudomonas schneideri nrcb010, a rhizosphere growth promoting bacterium isolated independently in the laboratory, were studied in this study. Tomato was used as the test plant. Through the hydroponics experiment, at 105CFU ml-1, 103cfu ml-1, 101cfu At the concentration of ml-1, the effect of inoculating Pseudomonas schneideri nrcb010 on the growth of tomato was determined, and then the effect of the strain on the activities of defensive enzymes of tomato was determined to explore its effect on the stress resistance of tomato.

The results showed that Pseudomonas schneideri nrcb010 had the characteristics of rhizosphere growth promoting bacteria, which not only promoted the growth of tomato, but also improved the stress resistance of tomato, and provided further theoretical and practical guidance value for the research and development of plant growth promoting microbial fertilizer.

Key words:tomato; Pseudomonas Schneider; rhizosphere growth promoting bacteria; growth promoting; stress resistance

目 录

第一章 文献综述 1

1.1引言 1

1.2根际促生菌(PGPR)的定义及应用 1

1.3 PGPR对番茄的促生作用与诱导抗逆性 2

1.4施氏假单胞菌作为根际促生菌的研究价值 2

第二章 施氏假单胞菌NRCB010的特性研究 4

2.1实验材料与方法 4

2.1.1实验材料 4

2.1.2施氏假单胞菌NRCB010的培养方法 4

2.1.3 pH对施氏假单胞菌NRCB010生长量影响 4

2.2施氏假单胞菌NRCB010分解葡萄糖的特性 5

2.2.1甲基红(M.R.)试验 5

2.2.2乙酰甲基甲醇(V.P.)实验 5

2.3 Biolog微生物碳源利用鉴定 5

2.3.1试剂及耗材 6

2.3.2实验流程 6

2.4 铁载体的测定 7

2.4.1实验试剂准备 7

2.5 生长素测定 7

2.5.1材料准备 8

2.5.2定量复筛 8

第三章 施氏假单胞菌NRCB010对番茄生长的影响 9

3.1实验材料 9

3.1.1供试番茄品种 9

3.1.2施氏假单胞菌 9

3.1.3实验器材 9

3.1.4培养基配制 9

3.1.5营养液 10

3.2实验方法和步骤 10

3.2.1育苗 10

3.2.2施氏假单胞菌的培养方法 11

3.2.3菌株与番茄共培养 11

3.2.4株高、茎粗等生长数据及叶绿素含量的测定 11

3.2.5鲜重测定 11

3.2.6根系、叶面积扫描 11

3.2.7干重测量 12

第四章 施氏假单胞菌NRCB010对番茄防御性酶活性的影响 13

4.1样品准备 13

4.2实验方法 13

4.2.1超氧化歧化酶(SOD)活性的测定 13

4.2.2丙二醛(MDA)含量的测定 13

4.2.3蛋白质含量的测定 13

第五章 实验结果与分析 15

5.1菌的特性研究实验结果 15

5.1.1菌的生长曲线 15

5.1.2pH对菌生长的影响 17

5.1.3分解葡萄糖特性的实验结果 18

5.1.4 Biolog鉴定分析 19

5.1.5 铁载体测定结果 20

5.1.6 生长素测定结果 21

5.2 NRCB010对番茄促生效果的实验结果 22

5.2.1 不同浓度的菌液对番茄长势的影响 22

5.2.2 不同浓度的菌液对番茄叶绿素含量的影响 23

5.2.3 不同浓度的菌液对番茄叶鲜重、干重、根长、叶面积的影响 23

5.2 NRCB010对番茄抗逆性影响的实验结果 26

5.3.1 不同浓度的菌液对番茄SOD酶活性的影响 26

5.3.2 不同浓度的菌液对番茄MDA含量的影响 27

5.3.3 不同浓度的菌液对番茄可溶性蛋白含量的影响 28

第六章 总结与展望 29

参考文献 30

致谢 32

  1. 文献综述



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