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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 制药工程 > 正文


 2021-11-09 21:37:08  

摘 要




Over the past year, influenza surveillance in a province of Guizhou has been analyzed. From 2010 to 2018, 23265 cases were reported, with an annual incidence rate of 7.31/10 million, and the number is increasing every year. Every year, spring and winter are the season with high incidence of influenza. The incidence of influenza is mainly scattered children (7866 cases, 33.81%) and students (4915 cases, 21.13%) [1]. This year (2020) a worldwide outbreak of viral pneumonia occurred, the most serious in Hubei Province, Guizhou and other provinces were less affected. Novel coronavirus capsule is a Chinese patent medicine with good curative effect on influenza. In April 2020, according to the "drug supplement application approval" issued by the State Administration of drug administration, Lianhu Qingwen capsule can be used for some light diseases of new coronavirus, which is undoubtedly the affirmation of the efficacy of Lianhua Qingwen capsule. This workshop design expands the production of Lianhuaqingwen capsule not only to reduce the symptoms of light patients in this epidemic situation, but also to meet the increasing incidence rate of influenza. This design aims to complete the preliminary design of the workshop with an annual output of 100 million Lianhua Qingwen capsules. The designed workshop shall meet the relevant requirements of GMP and be able to complete the design and production tasks under the condition of ensuring the quality of drugs.

Key words: Lianhua Qingwen capsule, influenza, workshop design


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 产品概况 1

1.2产品说明书主要内容 1

1.3连花清瘟胶囊药理作用 2

第2章 工艺说明 3

2.1 生产工艺 3

2.1.1 广藿香提取工段 3

2.1.2 连翘、 炙麻黄、鱼腥草、大黄醇提取工段 3

2.1.3 金银花等七味药材提取工段 3

2.1.4 中成药制备 3 浓缩水溶液 3 浓缩醇溶液 3 制粒、装入胶囊 4

2.2 生产工艺流程图 4

第3章 物料衡算 5

3.1 确定生产量 5

3.2 各工段每批物料衡算 5

3.2.1 广藿香提取工段 5

3.2.2 连翘、 炙麻黄、鱼腥草、大黄醇提取工段 5

3.2.3 金银花、石膏、板蓝根、绵马贯众、甘草、红景天、苦杏仁水提取工段 5

3.3 制粒混合工段 5

3.4溶剂使用量 6

3.5 计算汇总 7

第4章 能量衡算 9

4.1热量衡算原理 9

4.1.1热量衡算原理 9

4.2 各工段热量衡算 9

4.2.2金银花、石膏、板蓝根、绵马贯众、甘草、红景天、苦杏仁水提取工段 9

4.2.3 水溶液浓缩工段 10

4.2.4 乙醇回收工段 10

4.2.5 喷雾干燥过程 10

第5章 设备选型 12

5.1设备选型原则 12

5.2主要工段设备选型 12

5.2.1广藿香提取工段 12


5.2.3连翘、 炙麻黄、鱼腥草、大黄醇提取工段...............................................13

5.2.4 第一浓缩工段......................................................................................................14

5.2.5 冷藏工段...............................................................................................................14

5.2.6 第二次浓缩..........................................................................................................15

5.2.7 喷雾干燥机 15

5.2.8 制粒设备 15

5.2.9 筛分和混合设备 15

5.2.10 胶囊充填机机和胶囊抛光机 16

5.2.11 包装设备 17

第6章 车间布置形式 19

6.1车间布置安全要求 19

6.2 工艺平面布置规定 19

6.3 人员净化和物料净化 19

6.4车间平面布置 19

第7章 人员定岗 21

第8章 三废处理 22

第9章 结束语 23

参考文献 24

附录 25

第1章 绪论

1.1 产品概况


1.2 产品说明书主要内容



汉语拼音:lianhua qingwen jiaonang


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