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毕业论文网 > 任务书 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 制药工程 > 正文


 2020-06-25 20:46:19  

1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求

1.文献查阅 查阅金钗石斛原球茎的诱导、增殖分化的相关文献。

2.阅读文献及综述撰写 阅读查找的相关文献,了解金钗石斛原球茎组织培养的研究现状以及影响原球茎的诱导增殖分化的因素,撰写文献综述。

3.明确实验任务,制定实验计划 根据所查阅文献的相关内容,确定实验内容及方案,制定科学可行的研究计划。


2. 参考文献

[1] 蒋波, 陶李华, 梁泽华,等. 金钗石斛茎段诱导原球茎增殖的研究[J]. 玉林师范学院学报, 2006, 27(5):70-74. [2] 张宇斌, 乙引, 陈训,等. 液体悬浮培养诱导金钗石斛原球茎增殖的研究[J]. 贵州师范大学学报(自然版), 2012, 30(6):8-11. [3] Tang J J, Shang X L, Xiang-Xiang F U. Induction, proliferation, and differentiation of Acacia mearnsii callus[J]. Journal of Central South University of Forestry Technology, 2014. Yang W, Wang X M. Study of the proliferation and differentiation of neural stem cells in vitro induced by Micro-current pulse[J]. Chinese Journal of Laboratory Diagnosis, 2010. [4] 陈庭, 叶庆生, 刘伟. 金钗石斛类原球茎诱导及增殖的正交试验[J]. 华南农业大学学报, 2005, 26(3):60-63. [5] Jiang D, Yue P S, Drenkard D, et al. Induction of proliferation and monocytic differentiation of human CD34 cells by CD137 ligand signaling.[J]. Stem Cells, 2008, 26(9):2372-81. [6] 唐金刚. 金钗石斛快速繁殖及其生物碱累积的研究[D]. 贵州师范大学, 2005. [7] Qu W, Wang J, Wu D. Studies on Proliferation and Differentiation of Embryo Limb Bud Cell Induced by Acetaldehyde in Rats[J]. Chinese Journal of Industrial Medicine, 1999. [8] 徐萌, 郭绍霞, 孙丽,等. 大花蕙兰原球茎诱导、增殖与分化影响因素研究[J]. 北方园艺, 2016(16):108-110. [9] 王晓娟. 铁皮石斛类原球茎诱导、增殖和分化的分子机理研究[D]. 中国科学院大学, 2015. 林江波, 王伟英, 李海明,等. 铁皮石斛茎段原球茎的诱导、分化与植株再生[J]. 福建农业学报, 2016, 31(10):1075-1079. [10] Delin X U, Shen F, Qian G, et al. Effect of Different Hormone Combinations on the Induction, Proliferation and Differentiation of Callus in Bletilla striata[J]. Northern Horticulture, 2016. [11] 张志强. 金钗石斛植株再生体系建立与质量控制研究[D]. 沈阳药科大学, 2008. [12] Shao S, Hou B, Zhou Q, et al. Studies on Condition Protocorm Differentiation and Root Induction of Dendrobium officinale by Orthogonal Design[J]. Journal of Nanjing Normal University, 2009. [13] 王国梅, 韦鹏霄, 岑秀芬. 基本培养基和激素组合对金钗石斛原球茎增殖的影响[J]. 南方农业学报, 2006, 37(1):10-12. [14] Huang J, Shen L, Lu Y, et al. Parallel induction of cell proliferation and inhibition of cell differentiation, in hepatic progenitor cells by hepatitis B virus X gene[J]. International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 2012, 30(4):842. [15] 李庆宏, 宋常美. 金钗石斛愈伤组织培养[J]. 贵阳学院学报(自然科学版), 2011, 06(3):76-79. [16] Thompson A Y, Piez K A, Seyedin S M. Chondrogenesis in agarose gel culture: A model for chondrogenic induction, proliferation and differentiation[J]. Experimental Cell Research, 1985, 157(2):483-494. [17] 余乐, 兰芹英, 王晓静,等. 3种石斛兰种子非共生萌发和离体保存[J]. 安徽农学通报, 2009, 15(8):27-28. [18] 徐德林, 蔡振锋, 张林,等. 金钗石斛种子萌发率提高及可诱导愈伤组织培养基的研究[J]. 遵义医学院学报, 2014, 37(5):541-545. [19] Resende R R, Britto L R, Ulrich H. Pharmacological properties of purinergic receptors and their effects on proliferation and induction of neuronal differentiation of P19 embryonal carcinoma cells. Int J Dev Neurosci[J]. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience, 2008, 26(7):763-777. [20] 宋锡全, 龚宁, 詹孝慈,等. 金钗石斛种子非共生萌发和种质保存[J]. 贵州师范大学学报:自然科学版, 2004, 22(2):13-16. [21] Cen X F, Yang Y N, Wei P X, et al. Effect of hormonal factors on callus induction, proliferation and differentiation in sugarcane.[J]. Guangxi Agricultural Sciences, 2010:889-892. [22] Le V T H, Tanaka M. Effects of Red and Blue Light-Emitting Diodes on Callus Induction, Callus Proliferation, and Protocorm-Like Body Formation from Callus in Cymbidium orchid[J]. 2004, 42(1):57-64. [23] Khoddamzadeh A A, Sinniah U R, Kadir M A, et al. In vitro induction and proliferation of protocorm-like bodies (PLBs) from leaf segments of Phalaenopsis bellina(Rchb.f.) Christenson[J]. Plant Growth Regulation, 2011, 65(2):381-387.

3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排

2016.12.30-2017.1.13:确定课题,查找文献,提交开题报告 2017.2.20-2017.3.15:金钗石斛种子进行非共生萌发,诱导获得金钗石斛原球茎 2017.3.16-2017.5.19:应用正交试验方法设计植物生长调节剂组合和质量浓度配,以及不同外源添加物处理,建立金钗石斛原球茎诱导体系; 反应器扩繁 2017.5.20-2017.5.30:撰写毕业论文,准备论文答辩

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