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毕业论文网 > 任务书 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 制药工程 > 正文


 2020-06-24 19:51:40  

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1.文献查阅掌握文献查阅的一般方法,学会使用计算机在中国期刊网、维普数据库、超星数字图书馆、美国化学学会(acs)数据库、英国皇家化学学会(rcs)数据库、elseiver、isi chemistry server、ei、ca 等检索资源上查阅有关原料合成的相关文献。




2. 参考文献

1 (a) monomers, polymers and composites from renewableresources; belgacem, m. n.; gandini, a. (eds.); elsevier: ames-terdam, 2008; (b) gandini, a. macromolecules, 2008, 41, 9491;(c) gandini, a. green chem 2011, 13, 1061.2 (a) werpy, t.; petersen, g. top value added chemicals frombiomass. results of screening for potential candidates fromsugars and synthesis gas; pacific northwest national labora-tory, national renewable energy laboratory for the office ofbiomass program (us dept. of energy): washington, 2004; vol.i; (b) petersen, g.; bozell, j. green chem 2010, 12, 539.3 (a) gandini, a. polym chem 2010, 8, 245; (b) belgacem, m.n.; gandini, a. in monomers, polymers and composites fromrenewable resources; belgacem, m. n.; gandini, a.; eds;elsevier: amesterdam, 2008; chapter 6; (c) gandini, a.; belga-cem, n. m. prog polym sci 1997, 22, 1203; (d) gandini, a. ingreen polymerization methods: renewable starting materials,catalysis and waste reduction; mathers, r. t.; meier, m. a.,eds.; wiley-vch: weinheim, 2011; p. 29; (e) gandini, a. infilms and coatings from renewable resources; plackett, d.,ed.; wiley-vch: weinheim, 2011; p. 180.

4 boisen, a.; christensen, t. b.; fu, w.; gorbanev, y. y.; han-sen, t. s.; jensen, j. s.; klitgaard, s. k.; pedersen, s.; riisager,a.; sta#730;hlberg, t.; woodley, j. m. chem eng res des 2009, 87,1318.

5 (a) kelly, j. e. ph.d. thesis, rensselear polytechnic, ny,1975; (b) moore, j. a.; kelly, j. e. macromolecules 1978, 11,568; (c) moore, j. a.; kelly, j. e. polymer 1979, 20, 627.6 storbeck, r.; ballauff, m. polymer 1993, 34, 5003.7 (a) khrouf, a.; boufi, s.; el gharbi, r.; belgacem, n. m.; gan-dini, a. polym bull 1996, 37, 589; (b) khrouf, a.; abid, m.;boufi, s.; el gharbi, r.; gandini, a. macromol chem phys 1998, 199, 2755; (c) khrouf, a.; boufi, s.; el gharbi, r.; gan-dini, a. polym int 1999, 48, 649; (d) chaabouni, a.; gharbi,s.; abid, m.; boufi, s.; el gharbi, r.; gandini, a. j socchim tunisie 1999, 4, 547; (e) gharbi, s.; andreolety, j.-p.;gandini, a. eur polym j 2000, 36, 463; (f) abid, m.;kamoun, w.; el gharbi, r.; fradet, a. macromol mater eng2008, 293, 39.


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2017.12.25-2017.12.12 确定课题,下达任务书,查阅文献,做好开题前期工作 2018.1.12-2018.3.19 查阅文献,做出研究方案,完成外文翻译和开题报告,开始实验 2018.3.20-2018.3.24 总结前一阶段工作,完成中期自检和中期汇报,确定下一阶段目标 2018.3.25-2018.4.30 扩展课题研究范围,改进实验方案,对 数据整理分析,撰写论文 2018.5.1-2018.6.7 完善毕业论文 2018.6.7-2018.6.14 准备毕业答辩

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