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毕业论文网 > 任务书 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 制药工程 > 正文


 2020-06-24 19:51:12  

1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求

一、论文内容: β-丙氨酸可用于合成肌肽、巴柳氮以及#61538;-丙氨酸金属配合物等,具有抗炎、抑菌以及抗癌的活性,而且它也是一种潜在平台化合物[1-3]。

通过化学反应,可衍生出多种重要的化学品,如:d-泛酸钙、尼龙-3、丙烯腈等而且广泛应用于化妆品、水处理、建筑、饲料 、食品、医药等多个领域[4]。



2. 参考文献

[1] John E, Cronan JR. β-Alanine synthesis in Escherichia coli[J]. Journal of Bacteriology, 1980,141(3): 1291-1297. [2] 高丽娟, 裘娟萍. L-天冬氨酸脱羧酶研究进展[J].工业微生物, 2007, 37(5): 54-58. [3] Zhao LZ, Zhang L, Shi GY. Expression of L-aspartate--decarboxylase from Corynebacterium glutamicum in Escherichia coli and its application in enzymatic synthesis of -alanine. Microbiol China, 2013, 40(12): 2161#8211;2170. [4] 罗积杏, 薛建萍, 沈寅初. -氨基丙酸的合成与应用. 氨基酸与生物资源, 2005, 27(1): 52#8211;55. [5] Williamson JM, Brown GM. Purification and properties of L-aspartate-a-decarboxylase, an enzyme that catalyzes the formation of β-alanine in Escherichia coli[J]. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1979, 254(16): 8074-8082. [6] Bommarius AS. Biocatalysis: a status report. Annu Rev Chem Biomol Eng, 2015, 6(1):319#8211;345. [7] Dusch N, Puhler A, Kalinowski J. Expression of the Corynebacterium glutamicum pand gene encoding L-aspartate-α-decarboxylase leads to pantothenate overproduction in Escherichia coli[J]. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 1999, 65(4):1530-1539. [8] Kennedy J, Kealey JT. Tools for metabolic engineering in Escherichia coli: inactivation of pand by a point mutation[J]. Analytical Biochemistry, 2004, 327(1): 91-96. [9] Ramjee MK, Genschel U, Smith AG, et al. Escherichia coli L-aspartate--decarboxylase: preprotein processing and observation of reaction intermediates by electrospray mass spectrometry. Biochem J, 1997, 323: 661#8211;669. [10] Romero PA, Arnold FH. Exploring protein fitness landscapes by directed evolution. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol, 2009, 10(12): 866#8211;876. [11] Packer MS, Liu DR. Methods for the directed evolution of proteins. Nat Rev Genet, 2015,16(7): 379#8211;394.

3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排

起讫日期 设计(论文)各阶段工作内容 2018.1.1-1.10 选题,与导师讨论题目 2018.1.11 导师下达任务书 2018.1.12-2018.2.8 根据任务书要求,查找相关文献资料,完成开题报告 2018.02.9-05.23 完成试验并提交论文第一稿 2018.05.24-05.27 根据导师意见修改论文第一稿,完成并提交第二稿 2018.05.28-06.1 根据导师意见修改论文第二稿,完成并提交第三稿 2018.06.1-06.7 完成论文的审阅,准备答辩

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