2020-05-23 15:59:40
1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求
离子液体(Ionic Liquids, ILs)是一类极具应用前景的”绿色溶剂”,广泛应用于有机合成及催化、分析化学、电化学、化工分离等领域。离子液体一般由有机阳离子和无机阴离子组成,常见的阳离子有季铵盐离子、季鏻盐离子、咪唑盐离子和吡咯盐离子等,阴离子有卤素离子、四氟硼酸根离子、六氟磷酸根离子等离子。
2. 参考文献
[1]himmler, s., a. kouml;nig, and p. wasserscheid, synthesis of [emim]oh via bipolar membrane electrodialysis #8211; precursor production for the combinatorial synthesis of [emim]-based ionic liquids. green chemistry, 2007. 9(9): 935-938
[2]chandran, a., k. prakash, and s. senapati, structure and dynamics of acetate anion-based ionic liquids from molecular dynamics study. chemical physics, 2010. 374(1-3): 46-54.
[3]chen, q., et al., influence of anionic structure on the dissolution of chitosan in 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium-based ionic liquids. green chemistry, 2011. 13(12): 3446.
3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排
起讫日期 |
设计(论文)各阶段工作内容 |
备 注 |
2015.11.21 |
确定论文题目 |
2015.11.21#8212;2016.1.30 |
查找资料、写开题报告 |
2016.2.20#8212;2016.3.10 |
准备实验 |
2016.3.10#8212;2016.5.20 |
完成实验 |
2016.5.21#8212;2016.5.30 |
完善实验、完成初稿 |
2016.6.1#8212;2016.6.10 |
论文修改 |
2016.6.11#8212;2016.6.15 |
论文答辩 |