2022-02-22 19:37:52
摘 要
An annual output of 50,000 tons of para-ester factory design
With the continuous improvement of living standards, the status of dyes in the market is also increasingly important. In recent years, the export of reactive dyes has grown rapidly. The type of reactive dyes synthesized by para-bites is also increasing, and the use of fiber is more and more extensive. Reactive dyes are not the same as other dyes. It is in the form of covalent bond with the fiber molecules, greatly improving the performance of the fabric. Past production of bitter ester technology is more backward, resulting in a large number of pollution and waste of resources, poor product quality, high production costs. After several years of research and exploration, the synthesis of para-ester has been found more, such as acetanilide route, nitrochlorobenzene route, nitrobenzene route and so on. The new process of para-ester is improved in the traditional acetanilide route, the total product yield is high, the quality is high, and the production cost is greatly saved. The most important thing is in the production process, will not produce pollutants, in line with green production standards.
The design uses acetanilide, ethylene oxide process to produce para-ester. Chlorosulfonic acid and acetanilide through sulfonation reaction sulfonyl chloride, and then with sodium pyrosulfite reduction reaction to get sulfonyl sodium. Ethylene oxide and sulfonyl sodium condensation to produce sulfonyl alcohol, and finally under the action of concentrated sulfuric acid esterification of esterification.
This design mainly includes the application of p-bit ester, market demand, process route and equipment selection, raw material calculation, factory design.
Keyword:Para-ester;process synthesis route;ethylene oxide method;factory design
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
目 录 III
第一章 文献综述 1
1.1对位酯的概述 1
1.2对位酯的应用 1
1.2.1含对位酯的活性染料反应原理 1
1.2.2对位酯在M型、KN型中活性染料的应用 2
1.3对位酯的生产现状 5
1.3.1对位酯的市场需求 5
1.3.2对位酯在国内外的生产优势 6
1.3.3对位酯的国内生产现状 6
1.3.4对位酯的国外生产现状 7
1.4对位酯的生产技术 9
1.4.1乙酰苯胺路线 9
1.4.2对硝基氯苯路线 11
1.4.3硝基苯路线 13
1.5对位酯的工艺生产方法 14
1.5.1巯基乙醇法工艺 14
1.5.2环氧乙烷法工艺 14
1.5.3乙酰苯胺、氯乙醇法工艺 14
第二章 工厂设计 15
2.1.厂址选择 15
2.1.1建厂地址的原则 15
2.2厂址的指导方针 15
2.3设计的主要内容 16
2.3.1产品任务书 16
2.3.2产品方案 16
2.3.3质量指标 16
2.4设计工艺流程 16
2.4.1氯磺化阶段 16
2.4.2还原、缩合阶段 17
2.4.3酯化工段 17
2.5生产能力的计算 17
2.6设备的选购 19
2.6.1设备台数的计算 19
2.6.2辅助和公用设备 20
2.7厂区分布 21
2.7.1工厂布局目的 22
2.7.2工厂布局的原则 22
2.8设计创新点 22
3.1主要污染物分析及治理措施 23
3.1.1废气 23
3.1.2废水治理 23
3.1.3设计流程图和污染物治理流程图 24
3.2节能减排措施 25
3.2.1节能措施 25
3.2.2节约用水 25
3.2.3减排措施 25
3.3全厂总平面设计 25
3.3.1全厂总平面设计概述 25
3.3.2总平面设计的任务 25
3.3.3总平面设计计划 26
3.3.4总平面设计的基本原则 26
3.3.5主要和辅助车间的布置要求 27
3.3.6厂区内交通路线布置 27
3.3.7管路布置原则 27
3.3.8总平面布置评述 27
3.4车间布置设计 28
3.4.1车间平面布置 28
3.4.2厂房平面型式 28
3.4.3车间设计布置 28
结论 29
参考文献 30
第一章 文献综述