2020-06-16 06:50:09
摘 要
Extraction and dyeing of natural dye luteolin
In this paper, the effects on the extraction rate of luteolin were investigated from four different aspects: solvent concentration, extraction temperature, extraction time and liquid / liquid ratio. The results showed that the best extraction process of luteolin was ethanol concentration 60%, material ratio 1:10, temperature 90°C, time 3 hours. In order to expand the application of luteolin in the field of dyeing, luteolin is applied to the dyeing of silk fabrics. In this paper, the dyeing properties of luteolin in different silk fabrics were studied by using zinc acetate, potassium carbonate, stannous chloride, alum and copper acetate as mordant. In this paper, the dyeing properties of luteolin in different silk fabrics were studied by using zinc acetate, potassium carbonate, stannous chloride, alum and copper acetate as mordant, and the effects of mordant dosage, temperature, time and pH on the dyeing properties was tested for its K/S values. The results showed that the effect of using alum as the mordant was more satisfactory, showing bright yellow, and the amount of alum was 6%, the dyeing time was 40min, the dyeing temperature was 90℃, the dyeing pH was 4, the dyeing performance was the most excellent.
Key words: luteolin; extraction; dyeing performance; mordant
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1天然染料简介 1
1.1.1天然染料的定义 1
1.1.2天然染料的染色方法 1
1.1.3天然染料的特点 1
1.1.4天然染料的应用 1
1.2木犀草素简介 1
1.2.1木犀草素的结构及性质 1
1.2.2木犀草素的来源 2
1.2.3木犀草素的功能 2
1.2.4木犀草素的鉴定方法 2
1.2.5木犀草素的提取 3
1.3木犀草素染色研究现状 4
第二章 实验 5
2.1实验仪器与试剂 5
2.2木犀草素的提取工艺 6
2.2.1实验步骤 6
2.2.2注意事项 6
2.3媒染剂的确定 7
2.3.1实验步骤 7
2.3.2注意事项 7
2.4染色工艺 7
2.4.1实验步骤 7
2.4.2注意事项 8
2.5染色动力学 8
2.5.1实验步骤 8
2.5.2注意事项 8
第三章 结论 10
3.1木犀草素最佳提取工艺 10
3.2媒染剂的确定 11
3.3染色工艺优化 13
3.4染色动力学 17
第四章 展望 18
参考文献 19
致谢 21
第一章 绪论