2020-06-12 20:20:31
摘 要
本实验主要讨论MPTS对乳液所产生的各种影响及各类单体对乳液的各种作用,机硅改性丙烯酸酯共聚乳液中对聚合稳定性的影响,并对所制备的有机硅改性丙烯酸酯乳液压敏胶的组成、粒径大小及分布等进行了表征,研究了各因素对压敏胶粘结性能的影响。重点考察了有机硅单体用量对压敏胶初粘、持粘、180°剥离强度的影响。结果表明,当有机硅单体总量为单体的 1%左右,聚合过程稳定,压敏胶的综合性能得到提高。
关键词:乳液型丙烯酸酯压敏胶 MPTS AMPS 有机硅单体
Preparation and characterization of environmental friendly acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesive
Emulsion type acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesive with low toxicity, easy synthesis, easy dissolution characteristics and has been mostly R amp; D personnel concerned, because this materialistic outlook is desirable, but there is no perfect material, it also has defects, such as easy separation, low viscosity, poor elasticity. This test with MPTS change the properties of the emulsion, the reason is because the silicon oxygen bond energy is larger, can improve its easy hydrolysis, heat decomposition.
Using silicon monomer delay dropping and adding a hydrolysis inhibitor, is to prevent MPTS react with water. At the same time, this study also examines the AMPS viscosity, hydrophilic and lively performance. This test was also investigated under various conditions, the influences of soft and hard monomers on the emulsion, and obtained some properties of the data.
This experiment also discussed the influence of different proportion emulsifier, monomer dosage and temperature on the emulsion, and measured the best ratio. The conclusion was discussed and the reliability of the result was proved by literature review.
This experiment mainly discusses the various effects of MPTS on the function of all kinds of emulsion and all kinds of monomers on the emulsion, silicone modified acrylate copolymer emulsion effect on polymerization stability, composition and modification of acrylate emulsion pressure-sensitive adhesive for the preparation of silicone, particle size and size distribution were characterized and studied the influences of various factors on the properties of the adhesive bond. Focuses on the silicone content of adhesive, pressure sensitive adhesive bonding effect, 180 degree peel strength. The results show that when the total amount of organosilicon monomer is about 1% monomers, stable polymerization process, the comprehensive properties of the adhesive are improved.
Key words: emulsion type acrylate pressure-sensitive adhesive;MPTS;;AMPS;organosilicon monomer
摘要 I
Abstract II
第 1 章绪论 1
1.1压敏胶粘剂概述 1
1.1.1压敏胶粘剂的发展历史及现状 1
1.1.2压敏胶粘剂粘结基本原理 2
1.1.3压敏胶粘剂的类别 2
1.1.4聚丙烯酸酯系压敏胶 2
1.2乳液型丙烯酸酯压敏胶 2
1.2.1乳液型丙烯酸酯压敏胶的研究进展 3
1.2.2乳液聚合的机理 3
1.3有机硅改性丙烯酸酯乳液压敏胶 4
1.3.1物理共混法 4
1.3.2化学共聚法 4
1.4课题研究的目的意义,研究内容及创新之处 5
1.4.1研究目的和意义 5
1.4.2创新之处: 5
第 2 章有机硅丙烯酸酯乳液的合成及性能研究 7
2.1实验部分 7
2.1.1实验原料: 7
2.1.2仪器: 8
2..2实验方法 8
2.3测试和表征方法 9
2.3.1乳液凝胶率测试 9
2.3.2固含量的测定 10
2.3.3乳液的粘度测定 10
2.3.4乳液的粒径大小测试 11
2.4结果与讨论 12
2.4.1温度对乳液性能的影响 12
2.4.2常规乳化剂对乳液性能的影响 13
2.4.3 AMPS对乳液性能的影响 14
2.4.4 引发剂对乳液性能的影响 16
2.4.5 功能单体对乳液粒径的影响 19
2.4.6 有机硅单体对乳液性能的影响 21
2.5 本章小结 23
第三章 结果与讨论 24
3.1 软硬单体对压敏胶性能的影响 24
3.2 常规乳化剂对压敏胶的影响 25
3.3 功能单体对压敏胶的影响 27
3.4 AMPS 对压敏胶的影响 30
3.5 有机硅对压敏胶的影响 30
第四章 结论 33
参考文献 34
致 谢 37
第 1 章绪论
引 言
PSA全称压敏胶(Pressure Sensitive Adhesive),是一种使用最广泛、需求量最大、也是在生活中不可或缺的一种胶黏剂。其实,胶黏剂的种类有很多,离我们最远的是在秦汉时期,人们用糯米和石灰混合在一起制成的灰浆用作长城基石之间的粘胶。最开始认识使用的胶黏剂是酚醛树脂,在20世纪初年实现了工业化,后随着高分子材料的出现又出现了脲醛树脂、丁腈脂类、聚氨酯类、环氧脂类、聚醋酸乙烯酯类、丙烯酸脂类等。而压敏胶指的是在室温、干燥、只需要少许压力就能使物体粘结的胶黏剂。压敏胶的特点就是易粘贴、易除去,并且不需要添加溶剂也可以在长时间后使用,这些特点都深受人们喜爱。