2022-03-05 22:07:01
摘 要
- MIL-101(Cr)-NH2对油气适宜的吸附工艺条件为:进料浓度20-50g/m3,吸附温度30°C,吸附压力0.1MPa,进料体积空速77.3h-1,以油气浓度25mg/m3为穿透点,MIL-101(Cr)-NH2对油气的穿透吸附量为0.74mg/gads。
- MIL-101(Cr)-NH2对油气适宜的真空再生工艺条件为:再生压力10mbar,再生温度30°C,再生时间40min时MIL-101(Cr)-NH2对油气的再生效率为61.7%;经过七次真空再生循环后,MIL-101(Cr)-NH2的再生效率稳定在42%左右。
- 对MIL-101(Cr)-NH2和抽真空再生一次后的MIL-101(Cr)-NH2-R的BET表征结果显示:与MIL-101(Cr)-NH2相比,MIL-101(Cr)-NH2-R中微孔和介孔孔体积恢复率超过95%,其介孔与微孔的孔道均匀性增加,互相连通的多级孔增多,有利于再生过程中吸附质的脱附。
关键词:MIL-101(Cr)-NH2 93#汽油蒸汽 吸附 再生
Research on dynamic adsorption and regeneration performance of MIL-101(Cr)-NH2 for 93 # gasoline vapor
In this paper, amino-functionalized MIL-101(Cr)-NH2 was used as adsorbent, 93 # gasoline vapor (named as gasoline vapor) was used as adsorbate, dynamic adsorption performance and regeneration performance of MIL-101(Cr)-NH2 for gasoline vapor were investigated. MIL-101(Cr)-NH2 before and after vacuum were characterized by BET. The results were showed as follows.
- The suitable dynamic adsorption conditions of MIL-101(Cr)-NH2 for gasoline vapor were feed concentration 20-50 g/m3, adsorption temperature 30°C, adsorption pressure 0.1 MPa, feed volume space velocity 77.3 h-1, When the breakthrough concentration of gasoline vapor was 25 mg/m3, the breakthrough adsorption capacity of MIL-101(Cr)-NH2 for gasoline vapor was 0.74 mg/gads.
- The suitable vacuum regeneration conditions of MIL-101(Cr)-NH2 for gasoline vapor were regeneration pressure 10 mbar, regeneration temperature 30°C, regeneration time 40 min, the regeneration efficiency of MIL-101(Cr)-NH2 was 61.7%. After seven vacuum regeneration cycles, the regeneration efficiency of MIL-101(Cr)-NH2 still kept 42%.
- BET results of MIL-101(Cr)-NH2 and MIL-101(Cr)-NH2-R (regenerated by vacuum one time) showed that compared to MIL-101(Cr), regeneration efficiency of micropores volume and mesopores volume was more than 95% in MIL-101(Cr)-NH2-R. The increases of hierarchical pores made the pore uniformity, which were beneficial to desorption of the adsorbates in the regeneration process of MIL-101(Cr)-NH2.
Key Words: MIL-101(Cr)-NH2; 93# gasoline vapor; Adsorption; Regeneration
目 录
摘要 I
第一章 概述 1
1.1 研究背景与意义 1
1.2 用于油气回收吸附剂的研究进展 1
1.2.1 活性炭 1
1.2.2 疏水硅胶 1
1.2.3 分子筛 2
1.3 MOFs材料用于VOCs吸附净化研究进展 2
1.3.1 MOFs材料 2
1.3.2 MOFs材料改性 3
1.3.3 MOFs材料再生 3
1.4 本文主要研究内容 4
第二章 实验 5
2.1 主要原料及仪器 5
2.1.1 原料及试剂 5
2.1.2 主要仪器及设备 6
2.2 MIL-101(Cr)-NH2合成 6
2.3油气动态吸附及再生实验 6
2.4 吸附剂的比表面积及孔体积表征 7
第三章 结果与讨论 9
3.1 MIL-101(Cr)-NH2对油气动态吸附性能 9
3.1.1 空速 9
3.1.2 吸附温度 10
3.2 MIL-101(Cr)-NH2抽真空再生工艺 11
3.2.1 抽真空温度 11
3.2.2 抽真空压力 11
3.2.3 抽真空时间 12
3.2.4 MIL-101(Cr)-NH2抽真空再生稳定性 13
3.3 MIL-101(Cr)-NH2和MIL-101(Cr)-NH2-R的孔结构表征 14
第四章 结论与展望 16
4.1 结论 16
4.2 展望 16
参考文献 17
致谢 19
第一章 概述
1.1 研究背景与意义
汽油由多种有机化合物构成,其主要成分是C4-C12脂肪烃和环烃,以其为代表的轻质油品在制造、存储、输送、销售和使用过程中也会因挥发问题而产生汽油蒸汽类VOCs。这些汽油蒸汽挥发到空气中不仅造成环境污染、危害人体健康[1],更容易形成火灾隐患,且造成巨大的资源浪费。据报道:2011年我国因油气挥发而造成的经济损失高达47.6亿元[2]。因此,控制汽油蒸汽类VOCs的排放、减少挥发油气损耗关系到环保、节能、安全和健康等诸多问题,也是政府和工业企业亟待解决的难题之一。中国在GB 31570-2015《石油炼制工业污染物排放标准》中对VOCs的排放做出了严格的规定:有机废气收集处理装置的排放气中非甲烷总烃含量不得高于60mg/m3,该标准将于2017年7月1日起执行[3]。
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