2022-03-05 22:06:49
摘 要
(1)建立了薰衣草精油有效组成分析方法。采用气相色谱法(GC)和加标法对薰衣草中精油主要成分(芳樟醇和乙酸芳樟酯)进行定性分析,并绘制了芳樟醇和乙酸芳樟酯的标准曲线。结果显示,芳樟醇和乙酸芳樟酯峰位置保留时间分别为8.7 min和10.6 min,在0.32~4.8 mg/mL范围内有较好的线性关系。
(2)薰衣草精油提取工艺研究。考察了料液比、提取温度和时间对薰衣草精油提取量的影响,采用响应曲面法对薰衣草精油提取工艺进行优化,结果表明,最佳精油提取工艺为:料液比1:40,温度33 ℃,时间2.7 h,在此最优条件下薰衣草精油中芳樟醇和乙酸芳樟酯含量分别为0.5851%和1.201%.
关键词: 薰衣草 提取 芳樟醇 乙酸芳樟酯
Study on extraction process and compositions of essential oil from lavender
Lavender is rich in volatile oil, tannin, flavonoids and other ingredients, and the essential oil is an important raw material for medicine, spices. In this study, fresh lavender was used as an experimental material, and essential oil compositions of lavender were extracted by ultrasonic assisted solvent extraction method. Effective compositions of essential oil were analyzed by gas chromatography (GC). Main factors affecting the extraction rate of essential oil in lavender were systematically analyzed. The extraction process was optimized by response methodology. Main contents and results as follows:
(1)Analysis methods for effective compositions of essential oils in lavender were established. Main compositions (Linalool and Linalyl acetate) of essential oil in lavender were qualitatively analyzed by GC and external standard method, and the standard curves of Linalool and Linalyl acetate were drawn. Results showed that the residence time of Linalool and Linalyl acetate was 8.7 min and 10.6 min, respectively, and their linear range was from 0.32 to 4.8 mg/ml.
(2)Effects of the ratio of material to liquid, extraction temperature and extraction time on the contents of essential oil in Lavender were investigated. The optimal extraction conditions of essential oil in lavender were determined by response analysis experiment. Results showed that the optimal conditions were the ratio of material to liquid was 1:40, the temperature was 33 ℃, the time was 2.7 h, the content of Linalool and Linalyl acetate was 0.5851% and 1.201%, respectively.
Key Words: Lavender; Extraction; Linalool; Linalyl acetate
目 录
摘 要 I
第一章 概述 1
1.1 薰衣草分布及用途 1
1.2 薰衣草精油的研究现状 1
1.2.1 植物精油化合物 2
1.2.2 植物精油应用 2
1.3 薰衣草精油提取方法 3
1.3.1 水蒸气蒸馏法 3
1.3.2 压榨法 3
1.3.3 有机溶剂萃取法 3
1.3.4 超临界CO2萃取法 4
1.4 薰衣草精油成分分析方法 4
1.4.1 气相色谱-质谱法 4
1.4.2 红外衰减全反射法 5
1.5 本文主要研究内容 5
第二章 实验 6
2.1 主要原料及试剂 6
2.2 主要仪器及设备 6
2.3 实验方法 6
2.3.1 薰衣草精油提取工艺流程 6
2.3.2 薰衣草精油成分分析方法 6
2.3.3 薰衣草精油提取的单因素实验 7
2.3.4 薰衣草精油提取最佳工艺的确定 7
2.3.5 响应面优化提取薰衣草精油工艺的验证实验 7
第三章 结果与讨论 8
3.1薰衣草精油成分分析方法研究 8
3.1.1 芳樟醇和乙酸芳樟酯混合标样谱图 8
3.1.2 芳樟醇和乙酸芳樟酯测定方法学考察 9
3.1.3 薰衣草精油含量测定 10
3.2 薰衣草精油提取工艺 11
3.2.1 料液比对薰衣草精油含量影响 11
3.2.2 温度对薰衣草精油含量影响 12
3.2.3 提取时间对薰衣草精油含量影响 12
3.3 薰衣草精油提取工艺优化 13
3.3.1 响应曲面实验设计与结果 13
3.3.2 模型建立与方差分析 14
3.3.3 响应面优化分析 14
第四章 结论与展望 17
4.1 结论 17
4.2 展望 17
参考文献 18
致 谢 20
第一章 概述
1.1 薰衣草分布及用途
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- 全色发射型ESIPT荧光团对某些酸及其共轭碱负离子识别的颜色变化外文翻译资料
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- 表面功能化的Ui0-66/pebax基超薄复合中控纤维气体分离膜外文翻译资料
- 金属有机框架中的可逆调节对本二酚/醌反应:固态固定化分子开关外文翻译资料
- 二维MXene薄片的尺寸相关物理和电化学性质外文翻译资料
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