2022-01-08 20:09:22
摘 要
本课题依据相关文献资料,借助实验室和课题组已有条件,以泡点法为主要原理,对20-150 μm的大孔不锈钢金属膜展开实验探究。主要内容分为三个部分:不同孔径规格所对应最佳润湿剂的选取;单孔、双孔与多孔的问题;异形孔的泡点压力测定。
实验发现,不同孔径下最理想的润湿剂各不相同,这是因为不同润湿剂的表面张力、黏度、饱和蒸汽压等物性数据不同。判定一种润湿剂是否理想,准确度和重现性是两个重要指标。分析结果得出结论,20 μm及以内孔径规格的不锈钢膜最适用的润湿剂是无水乙醇;超过50 μm,100 μm上下规格的不锈钢膜最理想的润湿剂是甘油;对于20-50 μm之间孔径规格的不锈钢膜,GQ-16的性能不错,优于无水乙醇和甘油,然而并非完全理想,在随后的补充探究中,发现四氯化碳和橄榄油的重现性与准确度都略优于GQ-16,结合安全性与经济性,确定该规格最理想的润湿剂为橄榄油。
关键词:大孔金属膜 完整性测试 泡点法 润湿剂 异形孔
Macroporous filter material integrity testing method and instrument improvement
This subject is based on the relevant literature, with the aid of the existing conditions of the laboratory and the research group, and using the bubble point method as the main principle, and the 20-150 μm macroporous stainless steel metal film is experimentally explored. The main content is divided into three parts: the selection of the best wetting agent corresponding to different pore size specifications; the problems of single pore, double pore and porous; the determination of the bubble point pressure of special-shaped pores.
Experiments have found that the optimal wetting agents are different for different pore sizes, because the physical properties of different wetting agents are different, such as surface tension, viscosity, and saturated vapor pressure. To determine whether a wetting agent is ideal, accuracy and reproducibility are two important indicators. The analysis result concludes that the most suitable wetting agent for stainless steel membranes of 20 μm and inner pore size is absolute ethanol; the most ideal wetting agent for stainless steel membranes of more than 50 μm and 100μm upper and lower specifications is glycerin; For pore sizes between 20-50 μm,The specification of stainless steel membrane, GQ-16 has good performance, better than absolute ethanol and glycerin, but it is not completely ideal. In the subsequent supplementary exploration, it was found that the reproducibility and accuracy of carbon tetrachloride and olive oil are slightly better In GQ-16, combined with safety and economy, it is determined that the most ideal wetting agent for this specification is olive oil.
This subject focuses on practical significance and complicates simple models, from single pore to porous, single pore size to multiple pore size specifications, regular circular pores to irregular pore shapes. The results show that the bubble point pressure value of the porous metal membrane depends only on the maximum pore size; if the type of wetting agent is unchanged and the pore size specifications are consistent, the bubble point pressure value is independent of the number of pores; if the area of the opening remains unchanged, the bubble The point pressure does not change, that is, it has nothing to do with the shape of the opening.
Keywords: Macroporous Metal Film; Integrity Test; Bubble Point Method;Wetting Agent; Shaped Hole
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 文献综述 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 完整性检测法 1
1.2.1 完整性检测法分类 1
1.2.2 起泡点法测试原理 2
1.2.3 扩散流法测试原理 2
1.2.4 水侵入法测试原理 3
1.2.5 压力衰减法测试原理 3
1.3 泡点法运用过程中的问题与思考 4
1.4 可测定大孔滤膜样品完整性的仪器介绍 5
1.5 选题的目的与意义 6
1.6 小结 6
第二章 实验部分 8
2.1 实验药品及仪器设备 8
2.2 实验操作步骤及注意事项 10
2.2.1 操作步骤与数据处理 10
2.2.2 注意事项 10
2.2.3 步骤优化 11
2.3 实验内容与结果讨论 11
2.3.1 同孔径不同润湿剂的探究 11
2.3.2 单孔、双孔与多孔的问题探究 19
2.3.3 异形孔的测试研究 23
第三章 结论与展望 26
3.1 结论 26
3.2 展望 27
参考文献 28
致谢 30
第一章 文献综述
1.1 前言
在工业生产和科研实验中,离不开过滤技术(即固液分离技术)和过滤材料的应用。其中,膜分离技术是20世纪60年代后迅速发展起来的一项高新技术, 以低能耗、低成本、分离效率高、操作方便、设备紧凑、无相变等优点广泛应用于食品、化工、石化、制药、生化等多个领域。如今,膜分离技术被认为是21世纪高精分离技术之一。
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