2020-07-03 23:46:44
摘 要
关键词:SBR工艺 高盐医药废水 铁碳微电解 高COD 脱氮除磷
Wastewater treatment station design of a pharmaceutical company
This design is mainly based on the wastewater treatment plant wastewater takeover standard of the park to conduct a complete preliminary treatment of pharmaceutical high salt wastewater. According to the nature of sewage, it is divided into high-salt wastewater, process wastewater and domestic sewage. According to the influent water quality and the acceptance criteria, the secondary treatment system is selected. The entire treatment process is mainly directed at the process wastewater and is divided into physical and chemical treatment stages..The physico-chemical treatment stage structures of the sewage include a three-effect crystallization evaporator, a conditioning tank, a sedimentation tank, a Fenton oxidation tank, a micro-electrolysis column, a neutralization reaction tank, and a sedimentation tank. The subsequent biochemical treatment stage is mainly the treatment of domestic sewage and materialized water mixed into the SBR reaction tank after mixing the conditioning tank. The resulting supernatant and the supernatant produced by the three-effect evaporative crystallizer are discharged into the park's wastewater treatment plant. The sludge and dewatered sludge produced in the design have been transported to the incineration plant for centralized treatment.
Keywords: SBR process;high-salt pharmaceutical wastewater:;iron-carbon microelectrolysis;high COD;nitrogen and phosphorus removal
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目录 III
第一章 设计简述 1
1.1 任务简介 1
1.2 进水水质与接管要求 1
1.3 设计根据 1
1.4 设计要求 2
第二章 工艺流程的对比与确定 3
2.1 常用工艺 3
2.1.1 A/O系统 3
2.1.2传统的SBR工艺。 3
2.1.3 传统A2/O法 4
2.2 工艺选择 4
2.3 工艺流程说明 5
第三章 构筑物设计计算 7
3.1 调节池1 7
3.1.1 设计说明 7
3.1.2 设计规范 7
3.1.3 设计参数 7
3.1.4 设计计算 7
3.2 微电解塔 8
3.2.1 设计说明 8
3.2.2 设计规范 8
3.2.3 设计参数 9
3.2.4 设计计算 9
3.3 Fenton氧化池 11
3.3.1 设计说明 11
3.3.2 设计规范 11
3.3.3 设计参数 11
3.3.4 设计计算 11
3.4 中和反应池 12
3.4.1 设计说明 12
3.4.2 设计参数 12
3.4.3 设计计算 13
3.5 沉淀池 14
3.5.1 设计说明 14
3.5.2 设计规范 14
3.5.3 设计参数表 14
3.5.4 设计计算 15
3.5.5 物化阶段进出水水质 17
3.6 生活污水格筛网 17
3.7 调节池2 18
3.7.1 设计说明 18
3.7.2 设计规范 18
3.7.3 设计参数 18
3.7.4 设计计算 18
3.7.5 进出水水质 19
3.8 SBR反应池 19
3.8.1 设计说明 19
3.8.2 设计规范 19
3.8.3 设计计算: 20
3.9 三效结晶蒸发器 25
3.9.1 设计说明 25
3.9.2 设计参数表 25
3.9.3 设计特点 26
3.10 污泥处理 26
3.11厂区高程布置 26
第四章 辅助设备 33
4.1 管道 33
4.1.1 管径 33
4.1.2 管道材料 33
4.2 泵房 34
4.2.1 污水泵 34
4.2.2 污泥泵 34
4.2.3 加药泵 34
4.2.4 冲洗泵 34
4.3 鼓风机房 34
第五章 工程预算 35
5.1 投资费用 35
参考文献 36
总结 38
第一章 设计简述
1.1 任务简介
1.2 进水水质与接管要求