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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 海洋工程类 > 海事管理 > 正文


 2021-03-28 23:22:17  

摘 要






The development of China's inland water transport has risen to national strategy, the Yangtze River shipping industry has been rapid development, a substantial increase in the number of ships, ship large-scale trend is increasingly evident. Bring the economic benefits at the same time, the ship for the river water pollution is also becoming increasingly serious. Due to the complexity of the pollution sources of ships, at present, the monitoring and control technology of pollution sources in China is not perfect, and the laws and regulations restricting the pollutant discharge of inland waterways in China are lagging behind. The competent authorities lack the effective means to supervise and bring serious threat to the Yangtze River environment.

Among them, the main sources of pollution of the Yangtze River trunk include: oil (gasoline, diesel oil, oil sludge, oil slag and other oil refining products and the operation of the ship's main engine oil, mainly fuel oil, lubricants), marine domestic waste and domestic sewage, Chemical pollution, emissions from ships, combined with domestic and foreign research results, select the appropriate monitoring equipment, designed based on buoys, unmanned ships and unmanned aerial vehicles and other monitoring and monitoring subsystem. Using the network and wireless network (low-power wide area network (LPWAN) technology, using LoRa system to achieve the transmission of information) to build information transmission subsystem for information transmission. Design experiment scheme verifies system architecture feasibility.

Key Words: Ship pollution monitoring UAV buoy


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究目的及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1 油污水检测技术 2

1.2.2 生活污水检测技术 4

1.2.3 船舶废气监测技术 6

1.3 研究方法和技术路线 8

1.3.1 研究方法 8

1.3.2 技术路线 8

第2章 主要污染源排放标准及特性分析 10

2.1 油污水 10

2.1.1 油污水主要来源及危害 10

2.1.2 油污水排放标准 11

2.2 生活污水 11

2.2.1 生活污水主要来源 11

2.2.2 生活污水排放标准 11

2.3 废气 12

2.3.1 废气的主要危害 12

2.3.2 废气的排放标准 13

2.4 本章小结 13

第3章 船舶污染源排放监视监测子系统设计 14

3.1 系统目的、组成 14

3.2 监视监测子系统搭建 14

3.2.1 监视监测区域的选择 14

3.2.2 油污水监测 15

3.2.3 生活污水监测 18

3.2.4 船舶废气监测 19

3.3 本章小结 20

第4章 船舶污染源监视监测信息传输子系统研究 21

4.1信息传输子系统构建原则 21

4.2 信息传输子系统搭建 21

4.2.1 LoRa技术简介 21

4.2.2 信息传输子系统总体结构 22

4.3 信息传输子系统搭建 23

4.4 本章小结 23

第5章 系统测试及实验 24

5.1 油污固定点监测 24

5.2 无人机遥感油污水监测 25

5.3 船舶废气实船检测 26

5.4 船舶废气污染遥测 27

第6章 总结与展望 28

6.1 论文总结 28

6.2 展望 28

参考文献 29

致谢 31

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究目的及意义


随着长江航运业的发展,2016年长江干线货物通过量达到23.1亿吨,平均货船吨位达1490吨,沿线设有全国二百多家大型企业和工厂,沿江85%的煤炭、85%的铁矿石、中上游90%的外贸货都是通过水路运输[1] 。目前长江干线水域船舶污染主要存在污染源种类繁多、水域环境复杂、目前监测技术手段不能实时高效地对航行和营运船舶污染物排放进行监视监测,导致长江水域环境污染日趋严重。其中长江干线船舶污染源主要包括:含油污水(含油洗舱水、含油压载水)船舶生活垃圾及生活污水、船舶运输化学品污染、船舶排放的废气。


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