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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 海洋工程类 > 船舶与海洋工程 > 正文


 2021-12-13 20:19:07  


摘 要






Pilotage is an important link in the process of maritime transport and plays an important supporting role in ensuring the navigation safety of ships on the Yangtze River.At present, the traffic density of ships in the Yangtze River is increasing day by day, and ships tend to be large, modern and international, which poses new challenges to the safety of pilotage in the Yangtze River.Therefore, this paper analyzes the current situation of the pilotage safety of ships in the Yangtze River, discusses the factors affecting the pilotage safety of ships in the Yangtze River, and puts forward the improvement measures and development trend of the pilotage safety of ships in the Yangtze River, which can further improve the pilotage safety of ships in the Yangtze River.

This paper makes a detailed analysis of the current situation, influencing factors, development and planning of Yangtze River ship pilotage.Through reading a large number of materials, this paper makes a comprehensive analysis of the navigation of ships in the Yangtze River, and summarizes the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and challenges in its current and future development, and discusses the development trend of intelligent navigation in the Yangtze River in the future on this basis.

The current Yangtze river pilot to its excellent business ability ensure the safety of the Yangtze river ship pilotage river pilot safety overall situation is good, but there are still some problems restrict the Yangtze river pilot security better, faster development, can also through the "smart pilot", "environment", "management improvement" to further improve the Yangtze river ship pilotage is safe.

Key Words:The Yangtze river pilot; Intelligent pilot; security; current situation;tendency

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2国外研究现状 2

1.3国内研究现状 3

1.4本文研究内容 3

第2章 长江船舶引航安全现状 5

2.1 长江引航安全总体形势 5

2.2 长江引航员行为不当现象 6

2.2.1 引航员未按规定航路行驶 6

2.2.2 引航员未按规定实施追越 6

2.2.3 引航员不服从交管指挥 6

2.2.4 引航员超速行驶 6

2.2.5 引航员过于依赖传统助航设备 6

2.3 长江引航供给能力现状 7

2.3.1 引航员数量不足 7

2.3.2 服务质量良莠不齐 8

第3章 影响长江引航安全的因素 9

3.1 引航员自身因素 9

3.2船舶助航设备因素 9

3.3环境条件因素 10

3.3.1 季风影响 10

3.3.2 迷雾影响 11

3.3.3 桥梁影响 11

3.4影响长江引航安全的管理因素 11

3.4.1引航业的恶性竞争 11

3.4.2引航协会自身管理问题 12

第4章 改善长江引航安全的措施 13

4.1 长江引航智能化 13

4.1.1工智能推动长江引航智能化 13

4.1.2“大数据”推动长江引航智能化 13

4.1.3“船联网”系统推动长江引航智能化 14

4.1.4AIS技术的发展对长江引航安全的改善 14

4.2长江航道环境改善 15

4.2.1 长江航道环境取得的成就 15

4.2.2长江航道改善措施 15

4.3管理手段升级及管理体制改革 16

4.3.1 航海模拟器提高引航员业务能力 16

4.3.2 无人机在长江引航管理中的应用 17

4.3.3 引航管理体制改革分析 18

第5章 结论与展望 20

参考文献 21

致谢 21

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景及意义




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