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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 海洋工程类 > 船舶与海洋工程 > 正文


 2021-12-13 20:18:12  


摘 要






A large number of new intelligent navigation technologies have emerged in recent years. However, there are also many bottlenecks and difficulties. In order to promote the progress of intelligent ships, it is necessary to study the development trend and existing fundamental problems of intelligent navigation.

The understanding of the main international organizations and classification societies of the shipping industry on the connotation of intelligent navigation, are clarified. Based on the practice of navigation, this paper clarifies the characteristics of various working modes in the process of ship navigation, and puts forward various problems that may exist in the realization of intelligent navigation in various scenarios. In view of these problems, based on the technology development process of intelligent navigation in navigation, monitoring and support, perception and remote control in recent years, this paper analyzes the latest emerging new technologies, forecasts the future development trend of intelligent navigation and navigation scene mode. What is more, the functional requirements under these modes are analyzed. Then through the research,we find the bottleneck problems in the development of intelligent navigation, and predict the final solution path of these bottleneck problems.

The research results are helpful to promote the final realization of intelligent navigation and the progress of intelligent ships.

Keywords: Intelligent navigation; development trend; bottleneck problem;technical difficulty; intelligent navigation technology; realization way


第一章 绪论 1

1.1背景 1

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1国外 2

1.2.2国内 3

1.3目的 5

1.4意义 5

1.5研究内容 5

第二章 智能航行内涵 7

2.1国内外对智能航行的理解 7

2.1.1 LR自主水平分级标准 8

2.1.2 NFAS自主水平分级标准 9

2.1.3 DMA自主水平分级标准 10

2.1.4 MASRWG自主水平分级标准 10

2.1.5 BV自主水平分级标准 11

2.1.6IMO自主水平分级标准 12

2.1.7 中国的智能航行分级 12

2.2 智能航行的工作场景模式及问题 12

2.2.1开阔水域 12

2.2.2狭窄水道 13

2.2.3进出港口 13

2.2.4靠离码头 14

第三章 智能航行发展趋势 15

3.1最新出现的智能航行技术 15

3.1.1环境感知技术 15

3.1.2船舶运动状态与姿态控制技术 15

3.1.3智能避碰技术 15

3.1.4航线与路径规划技术 16

3.1.5与智能航行相关的其他技术 16

3.2未来智能航行功能发展趋势 17

3.3未来智能航行工作模式 19

3.3.1船舶航行全过程 19

3.3.2未来工作场景 20

第四章 智能航行发展的根本问题 21

4.1智能航行发展中存在的瓶颈问题 21

4.1.1智能态势感知问题 21

4.1.2智能航行决策问题 21

4.1.3方案执行问题 22

4.2智能航行的实现路径预测 22

4.2.1 基于人员配备发展视角的智能航行实现途径 22

4.2.2 基于功能实现视角的智能航行实现途径 23

第五章 结论 25

5.1结论 25

5.2展望 25

参考文献 26

致谢 29

第1章 绪论





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