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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 海洋工程类 > 船舶与海洋工程 > 正文


 2021-12-11 18:44:08  


摘 要






In the shipping transportation, the water traffic accidents caused by the unsafe behaviors of the operators seriously affect the safety of the crew and ships, even the development of the whole shipping industry. This paper reveals the essence of crew's unsafe behavior, so as to classify and control it, which has a positive impact on the safety and sustainable development of China's shipping industry.

In this paper, two major safety accidents, i.e. "5.25" poisoning accident of "jinhaixiang" cargo ship and "5.7", "Catalina" collision accident of Ningbo and "lulongyu 58398" collision accident, are selected to find out the main and secondary problems in the accident, and the unsafe behaviors of deck operation level personnel are divided into incorrect protective measures, incorrect use of instruments and equipment, and behaviors not in accordance with the regulations There are several kinds of orders, the essence of which is the lack of basic safety knowledge and safety awareness of the crew in the process of navigation, the lack of supervision of the shipowner company and other loopholes. It is concluded that unsafe behaviors are mainly caused by the disqualification of crew's own ability and physical quality.

In the face of this situation, it is necessary to strengthen the management of the crew, formulate more strict rules and regulations, cultivate the safety awareness of the crew, reasonably distribute the work of the crew, and make the crew have a positive psychological environment and comfortable working environment to reduce or stop the unsafe behaviors of the crew. This paper emphasizes that unsafe behaviors can be detected and controlled.

Key Words:maritime safety;unsafe behavior;deck officers

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的及意义 2

1.3 国内外研究现状 2

第2章 海上交通事故案例 4

2.1 事故一:“金海翔”号货轮“5、25”重大中毒事故 4

2.2 事故二:宁波“5、7”“CATALINA”轮与“鲁荣渔58398”轮碰撞事故 4

2.3 二副三副行为分析 5

2.3.1 二副行为分析 5

2.3.2 三副行为分析 6

2.4 二副三副行为过错的初步分析 8

第3章 船员不安全行为的类别及性质 11

3.1 船员不安全行为的类别 11

3.2 船员不安全行为的性质 12

第4章 二副三副行为致因分析 14

4.1 事故致因分析理论 14

4.2 关于船员个人能力素质的分析 15

4.2.1 学习能力 15

4.2.2 行为能力 16

4.2.3 管理能力 16

4.3 关于船员个人身体素质的分析 17

4.3.1 生理因素 17

4.3.2 心理因素 17

4.4 二副三副行为的致因分析 18

4.5 防范甲板部操作级人员不安全行为的建议 19

第5章 结论与展望 21

参考文献 22

致谢 24

第1章 绪论



船员,通常分为甲板部,轮机部和事务部,甲板部操作级人员专指船上担任二副、三副的人员。在船舶的航行过程中,二副三副往往起到了至关重要的作用。二副的职责主要包括如下几个方面:执行航行和停泊值班所规定的值班职责,主管驾驶台仪器设备;拟订《航次计划》, 进行航行航线设计;负责管理海图、航海书籍、航海参考资料、航行通告及各种记录簿等, 并及时登记改正。三副在船上的职位其次于二副,在三副的航行工作中,救生消防设备的维护保养是工作中的重点。如果二三副的工作中出现疏忽甚至失误,就会对船舶航行安全产生较大的影响[2]


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