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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 海洋工程类 > 船舶与海洋工程 > 正文


 2021-12-11 18:05:31  


摘 要




With the development of shipping business, ships tend to be large-scale gradually. However, due to the limitation of port channel and natural environment, the security of large ships in and out of the port has become a hot research topic. This paper is based on the development project of Binhai port area in Jiangsu Province, aiming to provide a feasible navigation safety guarantee scheme for 200000 ton bulk carrier in Binhai port area. In this paper, the main risks of 200000 DWT bulk carrier entering and leaving port are analyzed from five aspects: natural environment, traffic flow management prediction, channel conditions, port support system and ship entering and leaving port operation scheme. The focus of this paper will be on the premise of the planned channel conditions and the impact of the natural environment, involving the conditions of 200000 DWT bulk cargo ships entering and leaving the port, the organization of traffic flow and the cooperative cooperation scheme between ships and tugs, so as to achieve the purpose of navigation safety assurance; in addition, the important nodes that ships in the channel will pass through will be taken as the argument of this paper to prove the navigation assurance party Reliability of the case; port support system will coordinate with other parties to ensure navigation safety for ships entering and leaving the port.

Key words: large bulk carrier;navigation safety assurance;safeguard measures; maneuverability;ship entry and exit

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1课题背景 1

1.2研究意义 4

1.3技术路线 4

第2章 滨海港区自然环境 5

2.1自然环境概况 5

2.1.1 风 5

2.1.2 浪与流 5

2.1.3 能见度不良 6

2.2 自然环境对船舶进出港带来的风险 6

第3章 滨海港区航道条件及船舶进出港条件 8

3.1 航道条件基本概况 8

3.1.1 航道空间尺度 8

3.1.2 助航设施拟配备方案 8

3.1.3 航道其他条件 15

3.2 船舶进出港的条件 16

3.3 航道内航行的主要风险及对抗措施 16

第4章 船舶与拖轮配合方案 18

4.1 外航道段 18

4.2 口门段 18

4.3 内航道 19

4.4 方案小结 19

第5章 船舶进出港重要节点的操纵方案 20

5.1 通过风电场附近水域 20

5.2 通过大角度转向点 20

5.3 通过北港池口门段 21

第6章 港口支持系统 22

6.1 海事管理部门 22

6.2 救助基站 22

6.2.1应急救援 22

6.2.2 防油污 22

6.3 引航站 22

第7章 结论 24

参考文献 25

致谢 26

第1章 绪论


江苏省滨海港区(120°16′E,34°18′N)是盐城港“一港四区”的重要组成部分,是带动苏北地区和淮河流域经济发展的重要口岸,2019年完成货物吞吐量约500万吨,同比增长14%。此次规划将滨海港区划分为:北港池作业区、主港池作业区和南港池作业区,滨海港区背依苏北平原,东频黄海。水路北侧距离连云港港60n mile,距离青岛港145n mile,南到上海港为335n mile。陆路交通便利,沿海有海堤路、金光大道、滨河大道等,后方有国道228、省道327,北侧距离连云港100km,西南距离盐城100km。而本毕业设计的散货船码头分布在北港池,以下主要针对北港池进港航道进行撰写。




3、风况: 2005~2009 年间,对滨海港区产生直接影响的台风共 7 个。滨海地处江苏东北部,其寒潮天气过程与江苏整体寒潮天气过程相符。据江苏省气象局统计,江苏省寒潮天气过程主要出现在 10 月至次年 4月之间。据 1951~2009 年资料统计,江苏省共出现区域性寒潮 248次,年平均 4.2 次。其中冬季寒潮(12 月至次年 2 月)共出现 101 次,年均 1.7 次,占全年寒潮总次数的 40.7%。


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