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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 海洋工程类 > 船舶与海洋工程 > 正文


 2021-12-11 18:02:02  


摘 要







Bulk carriers transporting iron ore powder and other easily fluidized cargoes have caused many marine accidents, which are closely related to the loading plan and loading and unloading plans. This article is about this problem. Carry the iron ore powder loading plan and loading and unloading plan detailed design instructions, including the description of the nature of the cargo and transportation requirements, the theoretical method used in the design process and the interpretation of the calculation formula, and finally complete the entire design andverify .

The sea transportation of iron ore powder has proved to have a high risk, and the stability of the cargo plays a vital role. In recent decades, many ships carrying iron ore fines have been tilted or capsized, causing heavy casualties and financial and economic losses. The main causes of these marine accidents are attributed to the liquefaction of cargo, which causes the cargo in the cargo hold to move, and Eventually, the ship becomes unstable. In terms of the nature of the cargo, it analyzes its stability and the resulting accidents, and discusses how to enhance its stability during transportation.

Before designing, you also need to understand the theoretical methods you have to use to comply with the requirements, including the relevant IMO regulations and related theories of draught, stability and strength, which will be explained in detail in this article.

In the design process, various aspects of information such as information about ships, cargoes, ports, etc. are required. The first step is to set up a good route to achieve the purpose of estimating the load line and cargo capacity, then first distribute the cargo according to the proportion of the capacity, and then the draft, stability, Check the intensity and make corrections based on the check plan. After obtaining the final plan, formulate a loading and unloading plan based on it.

Keywords: bulk carrier; iron ore powder; stowage plan; loading and unloading plan


第一章 引言 1

1.1选题背景 1

1.2设计目的及意义 1

1.3设计内容 1

第二章 固体散货船配载的要求 3

2.1 固体散货运输的运输环节容易出现的问题 3

2.1.1 航行过程中货物流态化 3

2.1.2 配载配积载不当引起船体结构变形或损坏 4

2.1.3 货物装卸作业计划和步骤不合理造成船体结构强度受损 4

2.2 散货船固体散货安全运输的有关要求 4

2.3 固体散货船安全积载和装卸过程中安全控制要求 5

2.3.1 一般要求 5

2.3.2 固体散货的装卸和积载 6

2.3.3 船舶最大、最小吃水的确定 6

2.3.4 合理确定货物装卸顺序和压载水排放方案 7

2.4 分析散货船的稳性、吃水差和强度要求和校核方法 7

2.4.1 稳性 7


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