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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 海洋工程类 > 船舶与海洋工程 > 正文


 2021-11-06 22:58:40  

摘 要





The topic of this graduation project is “ Scheme design of 40 car / 480 passenger ro / Ro ship in Qiongzhou Strait” based on the given 30 car / 450 passenger ro ship, extensive search of data, careful demonstration and calculation are carried out to design the ship's hull.

This paper is divided into eight topics to elaborate, the main contents include: the determination of the main dimensions of ships, the design of ship lines, the drawing of ship lines and static hydraulic calculation, the drawing of general layout and general layout, the design of propeller and rudder, the calculation of tank capacity elements and the drawing of tank capacity elements curve, the calculation of complete stability, the calculation of freeboard and the measurement of tonnage. The determination of the main dimensions of the ship is completed according to the layout characteristics of the mother ship and the ro / Ro passenger ship; the model line design adopts the transformation method of the mother ship to transform the CP and XB, then to transform the model line diagram, and finally to use the modeling software CAD and rhino to carry out the three-dimensional modeling; the general layout design takes the mother ship layout as the reference and the specific needs of the ship as the basis, and the general layout is compiled; the propeller design adopts Mau Through preliminary design and final design, the propeller selection is carried out under the condition of limited diameter; the calculation of tank capacity factor curve adopts a regular tank fuel oil tank and an irregular tank ballast water tank; the complete stability calculation is to ensure that the stability of the designed ship under various loading conditions must meet the requirements of the specification, and the floating adjustment is to ensure that the design ship under various loading conditions The calculation of freeboard requires that the design ship must have enough reserve buoyancy to deal with emergencies; tonnage measurement can not only be used as the standard of ship operation, but also as the consideration of ship economy.

Keywords: Haian port;haikou port;40 vehicles /480 passengers Roll-on ship; Ship design


摘要 2

Abstract 3

1 绪论 1

1.1课题研究背景 1

1.2国内外发展状况 1

1.3目的和意义 1

1.4课题研究内容 1

1.5综述 2

2 任务书分析 3

2.1船舶入级 3

2.2设计船舶的特点 3

3 全船设计概述 4

3.1船型及基本情况 4

3.2设计依据的规范及规则 4

3.3载车量及航速 4

3.4主尺度 4

3.5稳性及干舷 4

3.6船员定额 5

3.7肋距 5

3.8主机. 5

3.9螺旋桨 5

3.10锚泊设备及系泊设备 5

3.11舵 6

4 客船主尺度设计 7

4.1尺度分析 7

4.2船长的选择 7

4.3型宽的选择 8

4.4吃水的确定 9

4.5型深(干舷)的确定 10

4.5.1干舷 10

4.5.2潮汐 10

4.6甲板间高度 10

4.7方形系数CB 11

4.8排水量Δ 12

4.9船舶总重量 12

4.9.1空船重量 12

4.9.2载重量 13

4.10浮力平衡 14

4.11稳性校核 14

4.11.1初稳性高 14

4.11.2横摇周期的估算 15

4.12快速性 15

4.13主尺度汇总 16

5 型线设计 17

5.1母型船型线分析 17

5.1.1船首柱,尾柱形状 17

5.1.2.首尾部横剖线形状 17

5.2棱形系数CP和中横剖面系数的确定 18

5.3浮心纵向位置Xb的确定 19

5.4生成母型船无因次横剖面面积曲线 20

5.5修改Cp 21

5.6修改Xb 22

5.7绘制半宽水线图 23

5.8绘制横剖线图和纵剖线图 25

5.9重绘半宽水线图 26

5.10三维建模 26

5.11利用Maxsurf进行静水力计算 28

5.12得到静水力曲线表与曲线 29

6 总布置设计 31

6.1.总体布局的规划 31

6.1.1概述 31

6.1.2.任务 31

6.1.3.工作 31

6.2主船体内船舱的划分 31

6.2.1水密舱壁 32

6.2.3竖向划分 32

6.2.4首尖舱 33

6.2.5尾尖舱 34

6.2.6机舱 35

6.2.7货舱 36

6.2.8液舱 36

6.3载车甲板划分 41

6.3.1车位划分 41

6.3.2舱室布置 41

6.3.3跳板门 42

6.3.4布置图 42

6.4.船员甲板设计 42

6.5载客甲板划分 44

6.5.1载客甲板总体设计 44

6.5.2船员舱室设计 44

6.5.3诊疗室 45

6.5.4接待室 45

6.5.4客舱设计 45

6.5.5卫生处所设计 48

6.5.6餐厅设计 50

6.5.7其他服务场所设计 50

6.5.8锚泊和系泊设备设计 51

6.5.9其他舱室设计 52

6.6.救生艇设计 55

6.7罗经甲板设计 56

6.7.1罗经甲板总体布置 56

6.7.2船名灯箱 56

6.7.3号灯 56

6.7.4重力水箱 57

6.7.5信号塔 57

6.7.6舷墙和栏杆 58

6.8船尾型线绘制 58

7 舱容要素曲线绘制 60

7.1计算燃油舱(51#~63#)。 60

7.2压载水舱计算 60

7.3得到燃油舱与NO.1压载舱的舱容要素曲线 62

8 各种载况下稳性及浮态计算 64

8.1调整浮态 64

8.2.计算各种载况下的重量重心浮心 64

9 稳性计算 67

9.1自由液面修正 67

9.1.2修正表格 67

9.2各种载况下的浮态及初稳性计算 67

9.3计算横摇周期与横摇角 69

9.3.1计算横摇周期 69

9.3.2计算横摇角: 69

9.3.3计算表格 70

9.4进水角计算 70

9.5各种载况下静稳性力臂和动稳性力臂计算 71

9.5.1满载出港 71

9.5.2满客无货出港 71

9.5.3满载到港 71

9.5.4满客无货到港 72

9.5.5压载出港 72

9.5.6压载到港 72

9.5.7绘制满载出港和空载到港的稳性曲线: 73

9.6受风面积、面积矩计算 76

9.6.1满实面积,非满实面积,满实面积矩与非满实面积矩的计算 76

9.6.2风压力臂计算 77

9.6.3稳性衡准数Kf 的计算 77

9.7船在全速回转时的稳性校核 77

9.8横摇加速度校核 78

9.9旅客集中于一舷稳性衡准 79

9.10稳性总结表 79

10 螺旋桨设计 81

10.1阻力与有效马力计算 81

10.2螺旋桨初步设计与终结设计 83

710.2.1推进因子的确定 83

10.2.2准备工作 84

10.2.3初步设计 84

10.2.4螺旋桨终结设计 85

10.2.5螺旋桨受限制 87

10.2.6空泡校核 89

10.3舵要素的设计 90

10.3.1舵面积系数 90

10.3.2展弦比 91

10.3.3舵高与舵宽的确定 91

10.3.4平衡比确定 91

11 最小干舷校核 92

参考文献 94

致谢 95

1 绪论







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