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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 海洋工程类 > 船舶与海洋工程 > 正文


 2021-11-06 22:53:15  

摘 要


本文采用CFD方法开展对马格努斯圆柱升力体水动力的研究,采用商用粘性流计算软件STAR-CCM 建立用于模拟圆柱体在来流作用下作旋转运动的二维计算模型。首先,建立静止圆柱体在雷诺数为工况下的绕流场,并对圆柱体的阻力系数进行预报。通过对比圆柱体阻力系数的数值模拟结果与模型试验结果,验证了计算模型的有效性。然后,建立旋转圆柱的计算模型,并计算圆柱体在不同来流速度和旋转角速度下的水动力系数(升力系数和阻力系数)。根据流场特征,结合马格努斯效应机理,分析和总结了圆柱体升力系数和阻力系数随转速比(转速与流速的比值)和雷诺数的变化规律,结果表明转速比的改变对圆柱体水动力影响很大。本文研究结果在马格努斯升力体水动力数值预报方面以及马格努斯效应在船舶领域应用具有参考价值。



Since the discovery of the Magnus effect, it has been applied in aerospace, military, ball sports and other industries and fields. It has also been involved in naval architecture and ocean engineering, such as ship anti-rolling devices. Due to the unique advantages of the Magnus effect, relevant studies have been increasingly valued. Therefore, research on the application of Magnus effect in the marine field will definitely promote the development of the marine industry.

In this paper, the CFD method is adopted to study the hydrodynamic forces of a Magnus cylinder lifting body. The commercial viscous flow solver STAR-CCM is used to establish a two-dimensional calculation model for simulating the rotation of a cylinder under the action of incoming flow. Firstly, the flow field around a stationary cylinder at Reynolds number is established. The resistance coefficient of the cylinder is calculated. The effectiveness of the computation model is verified by comparing the numerical results with the model test results. Then, the calculation model of the rotating cylinder is established. The hydrodynamic coefficients (lift coefficient and drag coefficient) of the cylinder at different inflow velocity and rotation angular velocity are calculated. According to the features of the flow field and the Magnus effect mechanism, the variation law of the lift coefficient and drag coefficient of the cylinder with the speed ratio (ratio of rotation speed to flow speed) and Reynolds number is analyzed and summarized. The results indicate that the change of speed ratio has a big impact on the hydrodynamic force of the cylinder. The main findings of present study have reference value in the numerical prediction of hydrodynamics of Magnus lifting body and in the application of Magnus effect in the field of naval architecture.

Keywords:computational fluid dynamics; flow around a cylinder; Magnus effect; hydrodynamics

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究目的与意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.3 本文研究内容 3

第2章 数值模拟基本理论 5

2.1 数学模型 5

2.1.1 控制方程 5

2.1.2 湍流模型 5

2.1.3 边界条件 7

2.1.4 离散方法 7

2.2 旋转圆柱处理方法 8

2.3 基本物理参数 9

2.3.1 雷诺数 9

2.3.2 斯特劳哈尔数 10

2.3.3 升力系数和阻力系数 10

2.3.4 转速比 11

2.4 本章小结 11

第3章 静止圆柱绕流数值模拟 12

3.1 圆柱绕流数值模拟流程 12

3.2 计算域建立 12

3.2.1 几何尺寸 12

3.2.2 网格划分 12

3.2.3 计算条件设置 14

3.3 数值模拟计算结果 15

3.3.1 网格独立性验证 15

3.3.2 时间步长独立性验证 16

3.3.3 计算结果对比验证与分析 16

3.4 本章小结 20

第4章 旋转圆柱绕流数值模拟 21

4.1 计算域设置 21

4.2 数值模拟计算结果统计 22

4.3 水动力性能分析 23

4.3.1 升、阻力系数分析 23

4.3.2 流场信息分析 26

4.4 工程应用参考 30

4.5 本章小结 30

第5章 结论与展望 31

5.1 全文总结 31

5.2 展望 31

参考文献 33

致 谢 35

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究目的与意义



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