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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 海洋工程类 > 船舶与海洋工程 > 正文


 2021-10-27 22:16:58  

摘 要



关键词:系泊系统 Spar平台 准静态分析法


With the development of the economy and the increasing demand for energy in my country, the development of deep-sea oil and gas and the research of mining platforms are also constantly developing. The Spar platform (single-pillar platform), as a kind of LPG extraction platform, is gaining more and more attention from academia and industry. Spar's mooring system, as a key part to ensure the safety of its work and mooring, has aroused the research and attention of R amp; D personnel in the field of marine engineering. This paper takes the mooring design of the Spar offshore platform as the main research content, attempts to design the mooring form and select the appropriate anchor chain for a hypothetical offshore platform, and in the process understands the impact of different loads on the Spar offshore platform. .

Taking an offshore platform model as an object, first of all, through the analysis of the natural environment in which the offshore platform is located, the wind load, wave load, current load received by the offshore platform are obtained, and through the analysis of different load forces and their points of action, The total load on the offshore platform was obtained. Then, the mooring form of the Spar platform was designed. For different types and sizes of mooring chains, the displacement and force of the platform were iteratively calculated by quasi-static analysis for each mooring chain. Based on economic considerations, from each mooring chain A better model was selected as the mooring design result of the offshore platform. Finally, the selected mooring chains and mooring methods were checked and verified to meet the specifications. Based on the design, a top view of the mooring system, a side view of the mooring system, a mooring chain diagram and mooring equipment were made Drawings and other drawings.

KEY WORDS: Mooring System, Spar, Quasi-static Analysis


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引言 1

1.1 课题的工程背景和海洋平台简介 1

1.2 Spar平台简介 2

1.3 海洋平台系泊系统简介 3

1.4 Spar平台系泊系统的国内外研究现状及本文主要工作 4

第二章 环境载荷计算 6

2.1 平台主尺度与环境条件 6

2.2 风载荷计算 6

2.3 波浪载荷计算 9

2.4 海流载荷计算 14

2.5 海洋平台质心计算 15

2.6 海洋平台受到的最大合力、合力作用点、合力矩 15

第三章 Spar平台锚泊力计算方法与验证 18

3.1 锚泊力准静力计算方法 18

3.1.1 读入原始数据 18

3.1.2 计算在水深h的基本悬链曲线 18

3.1.3 计算锚泊系统的刚度矩阵 19

3.1.4确定平台新的位置 19

3.1.5 计算各链端的位移 20

3.1.6 计算各系泊链的悬链特性 20

3.1.7 系泊力合力及力矩累加 20

3.1.8 计算系泊力与外力合力的误差 21

3.1.9 输出新悬链状态特性 21

3.2计算验证 22

3.2.1 计算系泊链初始状态 22

3.2.2 处理着链点坐标参数 23

3.2.3平台刚度矩阵的求解 24

3.2.4 加载载荷,获得平台位移 27

3.2.5 计算平台新的状态 27

3.2.6 计算系泊链的悬链特性 29

3.2.7 系泊力合力及力矩累加 32

3.2.8 计算系泊力合力与外力的误差 33

3.2.9 多次迭代缩小误差,获得结果 33

第四章 系泊设计 34

4.1 系泊形式和计算初始条件的确定 34

4.2 系泊链型号和直径的确定 35

4.2.1 R3S-130mm系泊链受力计算 35

4.2.2 R3S-155mm系泊链受力计算 41

4.2.3 R4-155mm系泊链受力计算 47

4.2.4 R5-130mm系泊链受力计算 50

4.2.5 选定系泊链直径和型号 55

4.3 系泊链长度的确定和系泊设备选择 56

第五章 平台实际偏移量计算 58

5.1 近海日常工作工况 58

5.1.1载荷描述 58

5.1.2 系泊系统受力计算 58

5.1.3锚泊力准静力计算第一次迭代 59

5.1.4锚泊力准静力计算第二次迭代 60

5.2 远洋恶劣天气工作工况 61

5.2.1载荷描述 61

5.2.2 系泊系统受力计算 62

5.2.3锚泊力准静力计算第一次迭代 62

第六章 强度校核 65

结束语 66

致谢 67

参考文献 68

  1. 引言

1.1 课题的工程背景和海洋平台分类简介




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