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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 海洋工程类 > 船舶与海洋工程 > 正文


 2021-10-26 22:33:17  

摘 要






In this paper, the structural components of the AHTS are designed according the rules and regulations for the construction and classification of sea-going steel ships(2018), after determining the dimensions and specification of the main structural components of the AHTS and completing the calculation book for the structural components. On the basis of determining the dimensions and specification of the components, completing the construction profile and the typical transverse section of the design ship by CAD. After finishing the design for the structural components, establishing a finite element cabin model of the AHTS designed. According to the relevant chapters of the direct calculations of hull structural strength, determining the type and size of the element mesh, calculating and applying the load and boundary conditions, and calculates the stress distribution results of each structural components of the cabin. According to the rules about permissible stress, analyzing the stress distribution results and completing the strength assessment.

In this paper, the standard design method and the finite element analysis method are synthetically used, focusing on the hull structural design and simplifying the steps of the general arrangement design. Based on the requirements of the rules, the dimension and specification of each structural components are selected according to the data of the parent ship. The calculation results of each step of the finite element strength assessment are illustrated with charts. The right half of the cabin model is symmetrical in the middle longitudinal section, and some asymmetric structures that do not affect the stress distribution of the members are ignored.

The results show that the dimensions of the main components determined by the standard design method meet the requirements of the permissible stress. The stress distribution of beams such as deck framing, side framing and bottom framing is smaller, which can reduce the strength of framing properly. At the same time, the stress at the bulkhead structure is larger, which should be strengthened properly.

Key words: AHTS; structural standard design; finite element analysis; strength assessment


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第 1 章 绪论 1

1.1 研究目的及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 研究内容及研究方法 2

第 2 章 船舶结构布置方案 4

2.1 船舶概况 4

2.2 主尺度 4

2.2.1 母型船资料 4

2.2.2 设计船主尺度 4

2.3 总布置 5

2.4 结构布置 5

第 3 章 船体结构规范设计 1

3.1 肋骨间距与系数 1

3.1.1 肋骨间距 1

3.1.2 系数 1

3.2 外板 2

3.2.1 船底板 2

3.2.2 平板龙骨 3

3.2.3 舭列板 4

3.2.4 舷侧外板 4

3.2.5 局部加强 5

3.3 甲板 6

3.3.1 强力甲板 6

3.3.2 甲板边板 7

3.3.3 平台甲板 7

3.3.4 上层建筑和甲板室的甲板 7

3.3.5 艏楼甲板 7

3.4 单层底 8

3.4.1 中内龙骨 8

3.4.2 旁内龙骨 8

3.4.3 肋板 8

3.4.4 舭肘板 9

3.4.5 流水孔 9

3.5 双层底 9

3.5.1 中桁材 9

3.5.2 旁桁材 10

3.5.3 实肋板 10

3.5.4 水密肋板 10

3.5.5 组合肋板 11

3.5.6 内底板 11

3.5.7 船底纵骨 12

3.6 舷侧骨架 12

3.6.1 主肋骨 12

3.6.2 首尾尖舱肋骨 13

3.6.3 上层建筑肋骨 13

3.6.4 舷侧纵桁 14

3.6.5 强肋骨 15

3.7 甲板骨架 15

3.7.1 计算压头 15

3.7.2 甲板横梁 16

3.7.3 甲板纵桁 18

3.7.4 强横梁 18

3.7.5 甲板纵骨 19

3.8 支柱 20

3.9 舱壁 21

3.9.1 非水密支承舱壁 21

3.9.2 水密舱壁 22

3.9.3 槽型舱壁 22

3.9.4 平面舱壁扶强材 23

3.9.5 桁材 23

3.10 首柱、尾柱及艏楼 24

3.10.1 首柱 24

3.10.2 艉柱 24

3.10.3 推进器柱 25

3.11 船端加强 25

3.11.1 首尖舱内的加强 25

3.11.2 尾尖舱的加强 26

3.11.3 船首底部的加强 26

3.11.4 艉尖舱后的舷侧加强 26

3.12 上层建筑及甲板室 27

3.12.1 计算压头 27

3.12.2 围壁 29

3.12.3 甲板板 31

3.12.4 甲板横梁 32

3.12.5 甲板纵桁 32

3.13 舷墙和栏杆 33

第 4 章 船体结构强度计算 34

4.1 有限元分析方法 34

4.1.1 舱段模型分析方法 34

4.2 模型建立 35

4.2.1 模型范围 35

4.2.2 单元与网格 35

4.2.3 材料属性设置 36

4.3 载荷及边界条件 36

4.3.1 结构自重 36

4.3.2 总纵弯矩 36

4.3.3 舷外水压力 38

4.3.4 液舱内液体压力 39

4.3.5 货物重量 40

4.3.6 边界条件 40

4.4 结果后处理 41

4.4.1 许用应力 41

4.4.2 板单元应力分布 42

4.4.3 梁单元应力分布 44

4.5 本章小结 44

第 5 章 全文总结 46

5.1 全文主要工作 46

5.2 主要研究结论 46

5.3 工作展望 46

参考文献 48

致谢 49







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