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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 市场营销 > 正文


 2021-11-10 23:35:18  


摘 要









In recent years, the competition in the beauty industry has become more fierce and cruel. Many cosmetics stores have trial experience services, and cosmetics companies have also paid more attention to experience optimization. The company is committed to creating the ultimate makeup experience for consumers through various channels. In the cosmetics trial experience, what factors will affect consumers' purchase intention? By reading the relevant literature on cosmetics experience marketing, four factors of product diversity, experience environment, product quality, and salesperson's service are extracted as the makeup test experience factor, and the intermediate variable is consumer emotions, and consumer emotions have both pleasure and arousal. In this dimension, study the influence mechanism of test makeup experience on consumers' purchase intention, and provide reference for enterprises to create effective test makeup experience.

The literature review of this study mainly combs the relevant research on makeup experience, consumer emotions, and purchase intention, and makes reference to the relevant research to make the research model and hypothesis of this research. Then design the questionnaire according to the hypothesis, analyze the data after collecting the questionnaire data. The research conclusions of this study are as follows:

Firstly, product diversity, experience environment, and product quality in makeup test experience factors have a significant positive impact on consumer sentiment. The service of the sales staff has no significant positive impact on the consumers' sense of pleasure and arousal;

Secondly, product diversity, experience environment, product quality, and sales staff services have a significant positive impact on purchase intention;

Thirdly, consumer sentiment has a significant positive effect on purchase intention;

Fourth, consumer sentiment has an intermediary effect on product diversity, experience environment, and product quality, but not on the service of sales staff.

Key words: Consumers' willingness to purchase,test makeup experience factors, consumer sentiment, experience marketing


摘要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究目的及意义 1

1.1.1研究目的 1

1.1.2研究意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1化妆品体验营销研究综述 1

1.2.2消费者情绪研究综述 2

1.2.3消费者购买意愿研究综述 3

1.2.4 理论基础 3

1.3研究内容和研究方法 5

1.3.1研究内容 5

1.3.2 研究方法 6

第2章 研究假设与模型构建 8

2.1影响因子的提取 8

2.2研究假设的提出 8

2.2.1试妆体验因子与消费者情绪、购买意愿 8

2.2.2消费者情绪与消费者购买意愿 11

2.3研究模型构建 11

第3章研究设计与问卷发放 13

3.1变量测量 13

3.1.1试妆体验因子的测量 13

3.1.2 消费者情绪测量 14

3.1.3消费者购买意愿测量 15

3.2 问卷发放与回收 15

第4章研究假设检验与结论 16

4.1描述性统计分析 16

4.2 信度分析 17

4.3 效度分析 17

4.3.1试妆体验因子效度分析 18

4.3.2消费者情绪量表效度分析 19

4.3.3消费者购买意愿量表效度分析 20

4.4相关分析 20

4.4.1试妆体验各因子与情绪因子之间相关分析 20

4.4.2试妆体验各因子与购买意愿之间相关分析 21

4.5 回归分析 21

4.5.1试妆体验对消费者情绪回归分析 21

4.5.2试妆体验对消费者购买意愿回归分析 23

4.5.3消费者情绪对消费者购买意愿回归分析 24

4.6中介效应检验 25

4.6.1愉悦感的中介效应检 25

4.6.2唤醒感的中介效应检验 26

4.7研究结果与分析 27

第5章 全文总结与研究展望 29

5.1全文总结 29

5.2研究展望 31

5.2.1研究不足 31

5.2.2研究展望 31

参考文献 33

附录 35

第1章 绪论






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