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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 市场营销 > 正文


 2021-11-10 23:35:01  


摘 要





In the information age, people's consumption is increasingly affected by the Internet. The marketing and sales activities of different enterprises are no longer limited to offline, leading to the popularity of search engine marketing. To come out on top, companies will strengthen competitiveness by optimizing search engines. Therefore, the crucial issues are how to achieve efficient optimization at low cost, and how to attract users.

The thesis untangles the concepts and approaches related to search engine marketing and optimization, then analyzes the influence of various factors on consumer attitudes in search engine optimization on the premise of researches on consumer attitudes. Considering the attitudes will be variously influenced by the information, system and service quality after the optimization of the search engine, the paper classifies the six aspects of search engine optimization, that is, keywords, titles and descriptions, web page structure, web page quality, link breadth, and error pages, into the above three dimensions according to their definitions and characteristics, and explores whether there is an impact on consumer attitudes. After establishing the model, the thesis applies model fitting and confirmatory factor analysis to discuss whether each factor has an effect on consumer attitudes on the basis of its reliability and validity. It comes to the conclusion that keywords, titles and descriptions, web page quality, and link breadth have an impact on consumer attitudes. In light of the conclusion, the paper makes three suggestions for optimization of enterprise from the perspective of marketing, summarizes the limitations, and points out the direction of future research.

Key Words:Search Engine Optimization; Search Engine Marketing; Consumer Attitude

目 录

摘 要 I

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目标 1

1.3 研究意义 1

1.3.1 理论意义 1

1.3.2 实际意义 2

1.4 研究路线 2

1.5 研究内容 3

第2章 相关概念和理论基础 5

2.1 搜索引擎营销 5

2.1.1 搜索引擎营销定义及特征 5

2.1.2 搜索引擎营销的工作原理 5

2.1.3 搜索引擎优化 6

2.2 消费者态度 8

2.2.1 消费者态度的定义及特性 8

2.2.2 消费者态度的构成 8

2.2.3 与消费者态度相关的研究模型 9

2.3 搜索引擎优化后网页质量对消费者态度的影响 11

2.3.1 信息质量对消费者态度的影响 11

2.3.2 系统质量对消费者态度的影响 11

2.3.3 服务质量对消费者态度的影响 12

2.4 研究述评 13

第3章 研究设计 14

3.1 研究方法 14

3.2 研究假设 14

3.2.1 信息质量与消费者态度 14

3.2.2 系统质量与消费者态度 15

3.2.3 服务质量与消费者态度 16

3.3 研究模型 16

3.4 问卷设计 17

3.4.1量表编制 17

3.4.2预调研 18

3.4.3样本选择与问卷发放 19

第4章 数据分析与讨论 20

4.1 描述性统计 20

4.2 信度与效度分析 21

4.2.1 信度分析 21

4.2.2 效度分析 22

4.3 模型验证 22

4.3.1 模型拟合优度评价 23

4.3.2 模型路径系数显著性评价 23

4.4 研究结果 24

第5章 搜索引擎优化过程中营销方面的建议 26

5.1 提高信息质量以提升消费者满意度 26

5.2 重视系统质量以增强消费者浏览意愿 26

5.3 改善服务质量以提高消费者好感度 27

第6章 总结与展望 28

6.1 研究成果与创新性 28

6.2 研究不足与展望 28

参考文献 30

附录A 32

致谢 36

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景




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