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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 市场营销 > 正文


 2020-05-26 20:40:37  

摘 要


关键词:大数据 体验营销 餐饮业 体验设计

Research On Experience Marketing Of Catering Industry Under The Background Of Big Data


The era of big data has arrived, in this highly digitized social environment, data and the data analysis and processing ability is gradually becoming all walks of life, especially information technology industry is the focus of the attention of enterprises and the core competitiveness. In this context, the marketing model also changes with the consumption patterns and more and more towards the experience of winning the direction of change. In recent years, China's catering industry has been considerable development, but the ability to break the deadlock in the homogenization of products and services catering is catering enterprises to get the key to the core competitiveness of the market, is the food and beverage business transformation must be thinking of problem.Therefore, in the context of large data, we need to study the experience marketing of the catering industry. This article will be on the big data content and its impact on the food and beverage industry; at the present stage, the connotation of experience marketing and the experience of the economy under the catering industry are facing opportunities and challenges. Through set up under the background of big data in the catering industry experience model combined with specific case analysis to the data and experience marketing theory as the foundation with the characteristics and trends of the food and beverage industry proposed for marketing suggestion, hope for the catering enterprises in the experience economy era to carry out business to provide guidance.

Key words: Big data; Experience marketing; Catering industry ; Experience design

目 录

摘 要 I


第一章 大数据与体验营销 1

1.1大数据的理论阐述 1

1.1.1大数据的概念及意义 1

1.1.2大数据的兴起与特点 1

1.2体验营销概述 2

1.2.1体验营销的内涵 2

1.3“大数据”背景下体验营销的机遇与挑战 3

1.3.1大数据背景下体验营销的机遇 3

1.3.2对企业的挑战及风险 4

第二章 大数据与餐饮行业 6

2.1餐饮行业概述 6

2.2餐饮转型升级的新趋势 6

2.3大数据在餐饮行业应用的意义 7

第三章 餐饮行业与体验营销 9

3.1餐饮行业实行体验营销的意义 9

3.2大数据背景下餐饮行业体验模型 9

3.3大数据背景下餐饮行业体验营销策略: 10

3.3.1利用大数据建立有效的网络平台 10

3.3.2利用大数据平台的体验设计 11

第四章 体验营销在餐饮行业中的应用—以星巴克为例 13

4.1传统和时尚相结合的感官体验 13

4.2温暖、轻松的情感体验 13

4.3充满创意的思维体验 14

4.4独特的行为体验 14

4.5“品味与情调”的联想体验 14

参考文献 15

第一章 大数据与体验营销



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